Our Place, Our Future

In 2017, an area-wide conversation was generated by Our Place Our Future, a survey which delved into a wide range of themes from traffic and parking, streets and spaces, to work, care, housing and local amenities. The first phase was coordinated and delivered by local community planning partnership, the Inverclyde Alliance, with funding support from the Big Lottery Fund Awards for All Scotland.
The Our Place Our Future survey covered 14 key topics - moving around; public transport; traffic, parking, streets and spaces; natural space, play and recreation; facilities and amenities; work and the local economy; housing and community; social interation, identity and belonging; feeling safe; care and maintenance; plus influence and sense of control.
1,310 people completed the main survey and an additional 83 young people responded to an adapted survey featuring some of the same questions, representing 1.75% of the total population of Inverclyde and the highest number of respondents Inverclyde Alliance had ever had to an engagement process.
The summary results from the engagement for the whole of Inverclyde are available in the documents section of this page. There is also summary information from the survey for each of the six localities in Inverclyde.
The feedback, along with a Strategic Needs Assessment analysing data about Inverclyde, was used to develop the new Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) for Inverclyde. The LOIP a high level, strategic document which the Inverclyde Alliance has a duty to publish. It sets out the vision, priorities and outcomes that all partners, including communities, will work together to achieve.
The Alliance has also used the feedback from the survey to inform the development of locality plans for Port Glasgow, Greenock East and Central and Greenock South and South West in the first instance. The partnership has a duty to develop locality plans for the areas experiencing greatest inequalities and our data shows that it is these areas that we should focus on first. The plans will be available on Inverclyde Council's website once finalised.