Inverclyde Partnership Plan 2023/33

The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 placed a legal duty on community planning partners to demonstrate that they are making a significant difference to the lives of their residents through the planning and delivery of local outcomes and the involvement of community bodies at all stages of community planning.

The Inverclyde Local Outcomes Improvement Plan 2017/23

The Inverclyde Local Outcomes Improvement Plan ran from 2017 to 2022, with an extension to 2023.

The Inverclyde Local Outcomes Improvement Plan 2017/23 set out the outcomes that the community planning partners in Inverclyde, known as the Inverclyde Alliance, would seek to improve.  The Plan 2017/23 did not cover everything that was being delivered in Inverclyde, but focussed on three key priority areas: Repopulation; Reducing inequalities; and Environment, culture and heritage.

Inverclyde Alliance Partnership Plan 2023/33

The Partnership Plan 2023/33 is a commitment by the Inverclyde Alliance partners to work together towards shared aims, with a focus on tackling inequalities and the added value of partnership working.  The Inverclyde Alliance Partnership Plan 2023/33 was agreed on 13th March 2023.

The Partnership Plan 2023/33 has a vision of 'Success for all – Getting it right for every child, citizen and community' and will focus on the themes of Empowered people; Working people; Healthy people and places; A supportive place, and A thriving place.

The development process for the new Partnership Plan 2023/33 included:

  • A strategic needs assessment;
  • Public consultation;
  • Engagement with Inverclyde Council's Elected Members;
  • Consideration of statutory requirements and guidance;
  • Discussion with Alliance partners; and
  • Research on best practice.

The Partnership Plan 2023/33, including a British Sign Language version and a graphically-designed version, can be found on the right hand side of this page, together with the related development documents.

Inverclyde Locality Plans

Locality Plans aim to address specific needs within a local authority by targeting areas with considerably poorer outcomes compared to other areas within the same authority area or Scotland as a whole.  The Inverclyde Alliance has identified six localities and you can find the Locality Plan for each area by clicking on 'Related Links' on the right hand side of this page.