Outdoor Access in Inverclyde
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The National Cycle Network route NCR75/753 connects Inverclyde with Glasgow, via Paisley. It links Quarrier’s Village, Kilmacolm, Port Glasgow, Greenock, Gourock, and Inverkip and there are plans to extend it to Wemyss Bay.
There are also plans to lengthen the riverside route from Greenock Town Centre, eastwards into Renfrewshire, with the ongoing waterfront regeneration opening up further opportunities for dedicated access routes to complement those that already exist.
Inland, the Greenock Cut has been referred to as one of Scotland’s greatest walks. The Cut, an aqueduct built to carry water between Loch Thom and Greenock and the path alongside it, was restored in 2006 thanks to a £1M Heritage Lottery Fund grant.
Within the rural area of Inverclyde and the Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park, outdoor access opportunities are offered by paths, farm tracks and quiet roads. Off-path access over hills and moorland is also available.
Back within the urban area, the paths and footway network provides connections to town centres, schools and colleges, employment locations, transport hubs, parks, greenspaces and other popular locations. Links also exist to allow access to the countryside.
Inverclyde’s outdoor access resource is already special. The potential for further exploiting it is great. Get out and enjoy it!!