Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy


As part of its efforts to tackle climate change and fuel poverty, in 2022 the Scottish Government introduced a statutory duty for all Local Authorities in Scotland to produce Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies. These are to set out how the energy efficiency of buildings in the Local Authority area can be improved and how they can be heated using ‘non-polluting’ heating systems. 

Non-polluting heating systems might be, for example, heat pumps or communal and district heating systems, referred to as ‘heat networks’. Heat networks involve heating a number of buildings from a central system rather that each building having its own system, which would typically be a gas boiler. In addition, Local Authorities are required to produce Delivery Plans that propose how the objectives of the Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies will be implemented.

Inverclyde Council undertook a public consultation between 4 March 2024 and 7 April 2024 on their draft Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy and accompanying Delivery Plan, and relevant comments have been adopted where possible. Inverclyde Council has produced the final version of the Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy and Delivery Plan, which can be viewed by clicking the links on this page.