Start of Works Notices and CCNP


Start of Works Notice

Once your building warrant has been granted, it is your duty to inform the Building Standards Officer of your intent to start building works. The start of works notice can be submitted via the eBuilding Standards portal at no cost. 

The Start of Works Notice can be submitted via the eBuilding Standards portal on the Other Wesbites section on this page. 


Construction Compliance Notification Plan (CCNP)

Every building warrant that is issued includes a Construction Compliance Notification Plan (CCNP). This plan indicates the stages of construction at which the Building Standards team requires to be notified to allow inspections to be undertaken. If the Officer is not notified of each important stage of work being undertaken, a disruptive survey may have to be carried out to ensure compliance with the stamped approved drawings.

It is not the role of Building Standards Officers to monitor the quality of workmanship and the Council cannot act as a Clerk of Works.

It is strongly recommended that you employ a suitably qualified advisor to inspect the works and a contractor experienced in the work required. Under the Certification Scheme you may also opt to employ an Approved Certifier of Construction to both assure the quality of work and, to receive a fee discount this should be notified to the Council in advance.

Further information regarding amendments or extension to period of validity of building warrants can be found in the 'Applying for a Building Warrant' section on the main menu. 


REMEMBER: You must obtain a building warrant before work starts. Starting work without a building warrant is an offence and could lead to a fine of up to £5,000.