Do I need a Building Warrant?

Schedules and Exemptions

A building warrant is required for any conversion (defined in Schedule 2), new build works or works to alter, extend, install services, fittings or equipment or to demolish.

The exceptions to this are works that come under Schedule 1, which are exempt (the building regulations do not apply) or under Schedule 3, where no warrant application is required but the completed works must comply with the Building Regulations.  

All schedules are laid out in Section 0 - General in both the Domestic and Non-Domestic Technical Handbooks. These can be accessed on the Other Websites section on this page. 


Got a question?

If you have any questions or doubts about whether the works you are planning to undertake require a building warrant, get in touch with us. The Building Standards team is on hand Monday - Friday 08.45 - 16:45 (16:00 Friday).

To get in touch via email, use the Contacts button on this page.