Scan cats collected by the waste team & notify owners
Rejected Reason: Following discussion with the relevant Council Services, the organiser of the petition has confirmed that they are satisfied that the procedures the Coucnil has in place or is putting in place meet the request contained in the petition.
Sponsors Name: Miss Cats Matter
Description: Unfortunately, Inverclyde are now just 1 of 4 councils in Scotland who do not currently scan cats collected by the waste teams.
When a cat is tragically involved in a road accident, a driver is not legally obliged to stop & help. A much loved family member is left to die alone, scared and in pain by the road side. With no assistance in its final moments of need, the inevitable happens.
Local councils will collect dead animals and dispose of them. Many cats are microchipped but not all councils are obliged to scan them and notify the owner. Owners may never find out if the pet they are walking the streets calling for weeks/months on end is dead or alive. There is no closure and their feelings of loss may go on and on.
Cats are living creatures and each has a family who loves them dearly. They were living, breathing family members - not general waste to be left to rot on a landfill site. Pet owners go to great lengths to ensure they are reunited with their pet, should the worst happen, and local councils should handle cats and owners with the dignity and respect they each deserve.
We call on Inverclyde to adopt a scanning approach on behalf of it's residents - both 2 and 4 legged, and join the majority of other Scottish councils who have adopted this morally decent, and sensitive, approach.
Signature count: No signatures yet