Community Grants fund open for Inverclyde groups
Community, sports and voluntary groups across Inverclyde can now apply for financial assistance from the council.
Applications are now being accepted for the second round of the Community Grants Fund with £6,000 left in the pot.
Groups must meet the eligibility criteria to be able to apply and must also demonstrate how funding would contribute to and benefit the wider community in line with the local priorities of: empowered people; working people; healthy people and places; a supportive place and a thriving place.
In Round 1, Committee approved awards amounting to £252,000 with 100 groups benefitting.
With a balance of £6,000 remaining for Round 2, priority will be given to groups who did not apply for funding in the previous round to ensure support in this financial year is given to as many applicants as possible across Inverclyde.
Groups can apply for up to £10,000 towards their work supporting people in communities across Inverclyde.
Applications received by 12noon on Monday January 20 will be considered by the grants sub-committee at its meeting in March 2025.
The Community Grants Fund combines the Grants to Voluntary Organisations (GTVO), Under-19s Sports and Community Hall Waivers funds.
For more information, including full eligibility criteria, and to apply, click on the link on the right of this web page. visit