Adult services recognised by inspectors
THE quality of services for adults in Inverclyde experiencing mental illness has received a good report from inspectors.
The Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) have today, Tuesday 7 May 2024, published their findings following a joint inspection of Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) adult services from October 2023 to March 2024.
Overall, the service received three ‘good’ ratings and two ‘adequate’ ratings in the five key areas that were examined.
Inspectors highlighted the following key strengths:
- Most people living with mental illness in Inverclyde had positive experiences of health and social care services that contributed to good outcomes for their health, wellbeing and quality of life.
- The partnership’s vision focused on inclusion and compassion. It was committed to investing in community-based early intervention and prevention initiatives to support whole population mental health and wellbeing.
- Leaders promoted a collaborative culture, which was broadly understood by staff and communities. Longstanding integrated and co-located services provided a good basis for the provision of seamless services.
- The partnership had robust contract commissioning processes and there were good relationships with providers.
The report from inspectors also praised HSCP staff for ‘delivering positive health and wellbeing outcomes for people experiencing mental illness’ and highlighted that the partnership was above the national average for positive responses to the national integration indicators relating to living independently, improved quality of life and feeling safe.
Inspectors also provided feedback on areas for improvement within the service, including ensuring better outcomes for unpaid carers of people experiencing mental illness.
Other areas for improvement identified are: looking at better integration and co-location of services to maximise opportunities for seamless support for service users; strengthening of oversight and governance procedures; and enhancing how progress is monitored.
Councillor Robert Moran, chair of the Inverclyde Integration Joint Board (IJB) – the organisation that oversees local health and social care functions delegated to it by the council/health board and delivered by the HSCP, said: “It has been an extremely challenging time for health and social care services as they recover from the legacy issues of the covid pandemic and coping with staffing issues that have been experienced right across the sector.
“Despite that, staff have continued to deliver quality adult services for the people and communities of Inverclyde and I’m pleased that their hard work and dedication has been highlighted by inspectors.
“The report really does emphasise how much of a caring and compassionate place Inverclyde is for all and how much staff go above and beyond to deliver for service users.
“However, we cannot be complacent and must always strive to do better and the report also provides useful feedback on areas where improvements can be made, and I know great strides are already being made in that regard.
“While the HSCP is in an unprecedented position of having to make £5.2 million worth of savings over the next two years to help address a funding shortfall, work is well underway to redesign services across the board and deliver them in different ways while ensuring the best possible care and support for those who need it.”
In October 2023, the Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) advised of their intention to jointly inspect health and social care services for adults in the Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership area, with a focus on services for people living with mental illness.
Inspection activity formally commenced on 23 October 2023 and considered the following question: “How effectively is the partnership working together, strategically and operationally, to deliver seamless services that achieve good health and wellbeing outcomes for adults?”.
Inspection activities included:
- compilation of a position statement and supporting evidence by the HSCP.
- engagement with people living with mental illness and their unpaid carers.
- a survey of staff in the HSCP, third and independent sector agencies.
- a review of selected health and social work records.
- conversations with selected individuals and groups of professionals, including some of the people whose records were reviewed and the staff groups that support them.
- scrutiny focus group sessions including frontline staff, senior managers, strategic leaders, third sector partners, commissioned service and homelessness staff.
- four partnership meetings throughout the inspection between the inspection team and senior managers to discuss progress and findings.
The final report of the inspection is available at or via the link in the Other Websites section of this page.
For more information about adult services in Inverclyde, including how to access support, visit or via the link in the Related Links section of this page.