Help Plan Health and Social Care in Inverclyde – Consultation Ends March 2nd

People are being asked to get involved in the final stages of a consultation on Inverclyde’s health and social care plans for the next three years.


The Inverclyde Health & Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Strategic Plan 2016-19 outlines proposals for taking forward a more joined up approach to delivering health and social services to people and their families.

Inverclyde HSCP Chair Councillor Joe McIlwee said: “We are delighted to bring forward our Integrated Plan which has been developed with local people, key organisations and service providers in Inverclyde. This is an opportunity for other people and organisations to have their say about the intentions and proposals and give us your ideas. Your feedback is important to us in helping produce the final Plan.”

The plan has been developed to further integrate community health and social care services as set out under the Scottish Government’s Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014.

It proposes that in the future, planning for health and social care services should happen at a more local level and encourage local people to get involved and make use of their skills and talents.


The HSCP also intends to work more closely with housing providers in Inverclyde in order to support people to live at home for longer.

Councillor McIlwee added: “Anyone living or working in Inverclyde can take part in the consultation. We want to hear their ideas and proposals so we can deliver the services they rely on where and when they are needed. The plan proposes that in the future, planning for health and social care services should happen at a more local level and encourages local people to get involved and make use of their skills and talents.  That’s why we need the views of local people – and we need them by 2nd March.”

The Inverclyde Health & Social Care Partnership Strategic Plan 2016-19 has been developed with stakeholder and partner representatives from service user and carer groups, Your Voice, private/independent and voluntary care providers, third sector organisations, local housing providers and staff.  

The Consultation will runs until Wednesday March 2nd 2016.

All comments should be forwarded to

Anyone who requires additional support in accessing these documents such as audio, braille or another language should contact Annmarie at the above email address or at 01475 715365.

The plan and attached documents can be accessed at  in the Features section. The consultation will remain open until 5pm on Wednesday 2nd March 2016.