
The update below gives the current position around the regeneration of Clune Park as of December 2024. This page will be updated on a regular basis.

Church, School and Resource Centre

It had been the Council’s intention to retain the structure of the Clune Park Primary School however assessments of the remains of the building following the fire have revealed that the structure was seriously compromised and even a minimal scheme involving façade retention is unfortunately unfeasible. At the same time structural assessment of the Church has revealed that the structure is dangerous and, as with the school, is beyond repair.

Listed building consent has been sought and granted to demolish both buildings and a contract has been let to carry these works out. The demolition of the Church, school and resource centre will be the first phase of the regeneration of Clune Park and will take place early in 2025 following disconnection of utilities.

Clune Park Estate

The condition of the tenements on the north side of Robert Street has deteriorated greatly since the pandemic with the buildings no longer being watertight and being subject to a spate of deliberate fire raising. The condition of the buildings had become so poor that they are a concern for public safety. As a result of this the Council commenced a programme of surveys to ascertain whether the buildings were dangerous, together with works to limit access to those tenements considered dangerous. Two phases of surveys have now been completed with a third underway, which will inform any future action.

With regards to the initial survey phases, following the demolition of the school and church in early 2025, there will be a phase of demolition of residential properties including: - 2, 4, 6, 8 Bruce Street; 11, 13, 15 Robert Street; and 1 – 8 Wallace Street.

Any disruption to residents in the area during the above processes is regretted however these works are essential both for reasons of public safety and to allow the eventual redevelopment of the area into a thriving community.

It is the Council’s intention to provide further updates as the programme progresses and this will take the form of public statements, letters to affected residents and updates to this web page as appropriate.

Committee Reports

Regular update reports on the regeneration of Clune Park are provided to the Education & Communities Committee and copies of these reports are publicly available within the Committee section of our website.