Throughcare Services
Throughcare services are for individuals who have had custodial sentences imposed. Depending on the type and length of custodial sentence, the individual may be required to undertake a period of Supervision usually known as a Throughcare licence with Inverclyde Criminal Justice Service upon their release.
Supervised Release Order
A Supervised Release Order is for individuals who have been sentenced to a custodial sentence of less than four years (known as short term), but at the time of sentence had a period of up to twelve months Supervision imposed following release back to the community.
Short Term Sexual Offender Licence
An individual convicted of a sexual offence who has received a custodial sentence between six months and four years will be subject to Throughcare licence upon release with Inverclyde Criminal Justice Service until the sentence end date.
Parole Licence
An individual subject to a custodial sentence of more than four years (known as long term) with the exception of those serving a Life sentence, can apply to Parole Board Scotland to be released from prison half way through their sentence and be made subject to Throughcare licence upon release with Inverclyde Criminal Justice Service until the sentence end date. This application may be denied by Parole Board Scotland.
Non-Parole Licence
An individual subject to a custodial sentence of more than four years (known as long term) with the exception of those serving a Life sentence, and has had Parole denied, or has withdrawn from the Parole process, will be released on Throughcare licence two thirds through the sentence. The licence is supervised by Inverclyde Criminal Justice Service until the sentence end date.
Extended Sentence
If an individual is sentenced at the Sheriff Court for a sexual offence, or at the High Court for a violent or sexual offence, the person imposing sentence may impose a period of Supervision following release known as an extended sentence. This period of Supervision can be up to five years if sentenced at the Sheriff Court, or up to ten years if sentenced at High Court.
Life licence
Life licence is imposed with a punishment part meaning an individual is required to serve a custodial sentence for a minimum amount of time before Parole Board Scotland determines whether the individual is eligible for release. A Life licence can be for the duration of someone’s life but will ordinarily consist of a minimum of ten years Supervision and is managed by Inverclyde Criminal Justice Service.
Order of Lifelong Restriction
An Order of Lifelong Restriction (OLR) can be imposed by a person sentencing if there is an identifiable risk to public safety. An OLR assessment is requested by the person sentencing prior to imposing an OLR. This is undertaken by the Risk Management Authority (RMA). An individual will be subject to OLR once released back to the community after having undertaken a period of custody. The OLR is imposed for life and is managed by Inverclyde Criminal Justice Service.
Voluntary Throughcare
An individual undertaking a custodial sentence can request intervention from Inverclyde Criminal Justice Service to support them upon return to the community. If there is no statutory involvement required this is known as Voluntary Throughcare. Voluntary Throughcare with Inverclyde Criminal Justice Service is time limited and dependent upon the level of needs an individual presents with.
Throughcare Addiction Service
The Throughcare Addiction Service (TAS) is a service provided by Inverclyde Criminal Justice Service to support an individual to address addiction difficulties. Support provided is time limited to a maximum of six months following release from prison. Efforts are made to link the individual into wider support partnership agencies to embed changes longer term.