Inverclyde Supported Living Team

James Watt Court / MacGillivary Avenue are an HSCP Support and Care at Home service for adults with learning disabilities.

James Watt Court has 6 individual tenancies and 2 shared tenancies. MacGillivary Avenue has 2 semi-detached houses, which can accommodate 4 individuals.

We provide a 24 hours 7 day a week service, which includes a member of staff on sleepover.

Support would be available at a time that suits, would be tailored to meet your needs and allow you to achieve your personal outcomes. This can include support to live in a safe and homely environment, and support to have a social life.

We will encourage you to face new challenges and achieve new goals.

We will support you to live the life you want within your community.

You will be supported by a dedicated well trained team of staff.

Individuals who use the service will require to be assessed by a social worker as requiring this type of service. There must also be availability and funding approved. 

We strive to ensure that people with a learning disability are treated equally and fairly, with the same opportunities in life as everyone else.

If you would like more information please contact Joyce Jackson, contact details alongside.