Eligibility Criteria

Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership want to ensure people receive the supports they require and that these supports are provided in a fair and transparent way.  We make sure that this is done in a fair way by having criteria for access to all community care services and is based on the national criteria set by the Scottish Government.

We need to make sure that those in greatest need of care and support receive essential help within the resources that are available.

If you, or someone you know, needs support, an assessment can be carried out, we will work with you to decide if you are eligible for support and then agree on the support needed.

What are the eligibility criteria?

Our eligibility criteria are divided into levels of risk, each of which indicates a person's priority for support services:

  • Low: promoting a person’s quality of life or low risk to independence
  • Moderate: the risk of some impairment to the health and wellbeing of a person or some risk to independence
  • Substantial: the risk of significant impairment to the health and wellbeing of a person or significant risk to independence
  • Critical: the risk of major harm / danger to a person or a major risk to independence

What if I’m not eligible for direct services?

Unfortunately we do not have the resources to help everyone who approaches us, nor can we always provide people with the services they request.

Our resources are targeted to those who are in the greatest need of support to allow them to maintain their independence safely.

How do I find out if I'm eligible?

You will need to have a community care assessment carried out. In the first instance contact Access 1st.