Physical education, physical activity and sport
Physical Activity and Health
Learners develop an understanding of their physical health and the contribution made by participation in physical education, physical activity and sport to keeping them healthy and preparing them for life beyond school. They investigate the relationship between diet and physical activity and their role in the prevention of obesity.
The experiences and outcomes are intended to establish a pattern of daily physical activity which, research has shown, is most likely to lead to sustained physical activity in adult life. Physical activity and sport take place in addition to planned physical education sessions, at break times and lunchtimes in and beyond the place of learning.
Physical Activity and Sport
Inverclyde Council has a wide range of indoor and outdoor sports facilities in leisure, community, and parks throughout the district.
Formal sports centres and swimming and leisure pools are managed by Inverclyde Leisure. Football pitches, parks, and other outdoor amenities are booked through the council’s booking office, whilst Boglestone Community Centre should be contacted directly for badminton and squash courts.
Physical Education
Physical education provides learners with a platform from which they can build physical competences, improve aspects of fitness, and develop personal and interpersonal skills and attributes. It enables learners to develop the concepts and skills necessary for participation in a wide range of physical activity, sport, dance and outdoor learning, and enhances their physical wellbeing in preparation for leading a fulfilling, active and healthy lifestyle.
They encounter a variety of practical learning experiences, including working on their own, with a partner and in small and large groups, and using small and large equipment and apparatus, both outdoors and indoors.
Learning in, through and about physical education is enhanced by participating on a regular basis in a wide range of purposeful, challenging, progressive and enjoyable physical activities with choice built in for all learners. The Scottish Government expects schools to continue to work towards the provision of at least two hours of good quality physical education for every child, every week.