Third sector update

CVS Inverclyde’s priority is to help ensure the health and wellbeing of staff, their families and the wider community. We are continuing to coordinate communications with Inverclyde HSCP, Inverclyde Council, Third Sector Network and the Scottish Government.  We are providing updates through emails to our network, on our website news pages and through our social media channels, as well as sharing information with local media as appropriate.

Volunteer Inverclyde –, has been updated with ‘COVID-19’ as an event to capture those from the community who are willing and able to volunteer.

Organisations that have already registered to access this website can then contact potential volunteers directly themselves, with other trusted organisations encouraged to register in order to be granted access to search for volunteers.

NHS volunteering @ IRH – Discussion ongoing with Strategic Lead for Volunteering NHS GGC, and service is being developed. Local recruitment campaign to be launched 26/03/20.

Inverclyde Life – Website has been repurposed in response to COVID-19 and CVS team are sharing this with the community as an asset register.  CVS team are actively contacting groups to update their ‘About’ section to include what they can do to help at this time - such as preparing food parcels, dog walking, daily phone calls to those self-isolating and much more – individuals can find a service using the COVID-19 tag.

Community link workers - Inverclyde’s community link worker (CLW) team are actively supporting the community during the COVID-19 outbreak. Each of the 14 GP practices in Inverclyde has a CLW. The team is currently based in the community and are using technology to continue to help people through phone calls, video calls and text messaging.  The team are also responding to requests for support with prescription collection whilst this service is mobilised.

Shielding Service – Discussions with HSCP ongoing and second draft SOP in progress.  Initially led by CLW coordinating in each locality, supported by a network of PVG’d volunteers.

Inverclyde Community Fund – In partnership with CVS the fund will shortly open offering small grants.

Funding – Various funding streams have been announced by Scottish Government. CVS is working closely with the Scottish Funders Forum to understand how local organisations can apply to the funds once they are open. Third Sector Resilience Fund has opened managed by Firstpost, Corra Foundation and Social Investment Scotland. CVSI will offer support to groups applying. 

Inverclyde Community Action Response Group:

Stephen Henry, Mind Mosaic and Belville; Laura Reilly, Belville CG; Louise Hunter, Creative Inverclyde/Summerhouse Media; Charlene Elliott, CVS Inverclyde; Alison Bunce, Compassionate Inverclyde; Gwyneth MacDonald, Mind Mosaic; Karen Haldane, Your Voice; and Lynn Foreman (grassroots/community volunteer network).

Isolation Boxes – Partnership between Belville and Compassionate Inverclyde.  All donations of surplus food (and other items e.g., self-care) to be diverted here, including excess free school meals.  Over 100 self-isolation boxes delivered to date and demand continues to grow.

Opt-in Telephone Support Service – Compassionate Inverclyde/Your Voice – Daily telephone call to self-isolators to check-in and offer support. Demand for this is growing. Discussions around whether any local Call Centre’s are able to assist.

Key Worker Support - Morton FC/Morton in the Community keen to support key workers including care homes. Louise Hunter in discussions with Fun World and others re community food initiative.

Access to Mindfulness Podcasts and telephone therapy support – in progress/systems testing by Mind Mosaic.

Community Volunteer Network – COVID-19 Inverclyde Private Facebook Groups.  Updates on activity at local community level across a network of ‘team leader’ volunteers operating on a neighbourly basis.  CVSI providing support, advice and best practice resources.