Caitlyn Haldane
Active Schools Co-ordinator
Inverclyde Academy East Cluster
King’s Oak, Lady Alice & Whinhill Primary Schools

Hello my name is Caitlyn and I am the coordinator for the Inverclyde East cluster. I have been in this role since 2019. My previous experiences include teaching, rugby development and partnership work before becoming a coordinator. I started the local ladies rugby team in 2014 and play regularly at local club Greenock Wanderers where we encourage all ages to come along and give it a go.
My main duties are to provide my schools with as many different sporting opportunities as I can through partnership working with IAC and GWRFC for example, delivering our primary leadership programme and supporting pupils in coaching roles. I love working with the children and staff in my schools, it is so important to build good strong working relationships. I also lead on social media for our team – I regularly update Twitter, follow Sportscotland themes, take part in Sporthour and engage with local initiatives and school activities to ensure we create exposure across the platforms.