Ross Stewart
Port Glasgow High School Cluster
Port Glasgow High School, Kilmacolm & Newark Primary Schools

I have been in this role since 2014 providing opportunities for all pupils to take part in sport and physical activity at either lunchtime or afterschool. Alongside my colleague, I also run a Primary School Sports Competition giving the pupils the chance to compete and perform against other local schools in the Port Glasgow Area. This competition includes Football, Netball and Basketball competitions throughout the school year.
Another huge part of the role is working with the PGHS Sports Leaders, offering extensive training opportunities through local partners and NGB’s. We then take these pupils on placements in the local primary schools to allow them to further develop and improve their leadership skills.
As well as my cluster I lead on Badminton, Golf and Outdoor Learning in the local authority and co-lead on Football Development in partnership with Morton in the Community.
Out with this role I enjoy going to the gym regularly, keeping as active as possible.