Nicole Bryce
Inverclyde Primary West Cluster
Aileymill, Inverkip & Wemyss Bay Primary Schools

As an Active Schools Coordinator my main role is to provide opportunities for all children in my schools to take part in sport and physical activity during and after the school day. My main aim is to get pupils involved in lunch and after school clubs within the school setting and creating pathways to club sport creating lifelong participation.
As part of the Active Schools team we offer our schools the chance to compete in festivals and events, giving pupils experience in competitive sport and a chance to showcase the skills they have learned from taking part in clubs.
A large part of my role is to support and work with partners involved in the delivery and coordination of sports clubs, school based and community led. We also work closely with volunteers and coaches to provide training and mentoring to help develop the next generation of sports coaches, giving children the best experience of school sport possible.