Mitchell Morris
Modern Apprentice

I am the Modern Apprentice for Active Schools Inverclyde. As an apprentice, my job is to go in to schools across Inverclyde and take curricular sport sessions for all ages.
I have recently started a new programme for Primary 5’s called Healthy Mind, Healthy Life where the young people
will learn all about staying fit and healthy. There is also a focus on having positive mental health and keeping a positive mindset. In my role I have also taken extracurricular afterschool sessions such as football, athletics, target sports and dodgeball.
I am learning on the job and have already achieved a Level 6 SCQF Sports coaching qualification. I have also completed my SFA 1.2 and 1.3 football coaching throughout my apprenticeship.
Throughout my role I have enjoyed being able to pass on my knowledge to young people and give them opportunities to enjoy a range of sports in a fun and safe environment.