Gary Forbes
Active Schools Coordinator
Notre Dame Cluster
All Saints Primary School, St Patricks Primary School, St Marys Primary School & Lomond View Academy

My name is Gary Forbes I have been in post since 2017. In my cluster I oversee the 3 primary schools that feed into Notre Dame High School - St Marys, All Saints, St Patricks and Lomond View Academy. My role is to provide more Sport and Physical activity opportunities to children and young people before, Lunch time and Afterschool.
In my role I also have responsibility for overseeing a number of different projects, we have a diversionary project that goes into all secondary schools in Inverclyde, We also have implemented a Care experienced project Proud2BActive, I am also involved In supporting the safe club accreditation process
The reason I work in sport is because I firmly believe that sport and physical activity has the power to change and have a positive impact in children and young people’s lives and will thrive to ensure the children and young people in Inverclyde will have that opportunity.
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