Citizens' Panel
What is the Citizens’ Panel?
The purpose of Inverclyde Council's Citizens' Panel is to regularly consult with local people on a wide range of issues. Panel members are aged 18 years and over. We aim to ensure that Panel membership is broadly representative of the population of Inverclyde by gender, age, employment status, housing tenure, ethnic origin and geographic location.
How does the Citizens’ Panel work?
We send the Panel two surveys each year to complete. The questionnaires ask members for their views on a variety of issues such satisfaction with Council services, health, community safety, the environment, roads and transport, customer service, sport and leisure, and training and employment.
Why do we have a Citizens’ Panel?
The Citizens’ Panel enables the Council to regularly consult with local people and to use their feedback to improve and develop services.
The Citizens’ Panel also enables the Council to:
- find out what issues are important to Inverclyde residents and take action to target those issues;
- monitor the effectiveness of our services and identify areas for improvement;
- make changes to our services based on feedback from Panel members; and
- develop a good relationship with Inverclyde residents by listening to what they tell us and taking action to address the issues they are concerned about.
What do we do with the feedback?
We use the feedback provided by Panel members to improve and develop services to ensure they meet the needs of Inverclyde residents.
A newsletter is enclosed with each questionnaire which outlines the results of the previous survey, together with information on how the Council has responded to feedback provided by Panel members.
You can view the Citizens' Panel newsletters by clicking on the links in the Documents section on the right hand side of this page.
Autumn 2022 Survey Results
The Citizens' Panel Autumn 2022 results can be found in the Documents section on the right. The relevant information is in paragraphs 3.8 to 3.31.