Land Surveys

The purpose of these surveys is to provide a statistical base and policy context for the monitoring of changes in the scale and nature of land use within Inverclyde.  The base date for these Audits is 31 March. The information collected also feeds into the Clydeplan Strategic Development Plan.

The Housing Land Supply Survey monitors house completions and opportunities for future housing development in Inverclyde. The audit is undertaken with the close involvement of the house building industry, local housing associations and national agencies and seeks to ensure that sufficient land is available at all times to meet housing development needs for the following seven years.

The Industry and Business Land Supply Survey sets out the provision and marketability of industrial sites and any emerging industrial and business opportunities in Inverclyde.

The Vacant and Derelict Land Survey monitors a range of issues including: land which has fallen out of use and into a vacant or derelict state; the extent and state of vacant and derelict land in Inverclyde, based on guidance set out by the Scottish Government; and take-up of previously vacant and derelict land. The Inverclyde Survey forms part of a National Survey, which is published annually by the Scottish Government.

In addition to the above annual surveys, the Regeneration and Planning Service regularly monitor and update other aspects of development, including information on retail planning and development in the Green Belt and countryside.

Details of the data from the most recent versions of the above surveys can be downloaded from this page.