Adopted Local Development Plan - 2019

The Local Development Plan sets out the Council’s strategy, policies and proposals for the use of land and buildings within Inverclyde, and, together with the Clydeplan Strategic Development Plan, is the document the Council uses to determine planning applications and provide advice on development proposals. The current Local Development Plan was adopted 26 August 2019.
The Local Development Plan comprises a Written Statement and Proposals Maps, which are available to view/download from the links on this page.
Documents relating to the preparation of the Local Development Plan are available on the development plan archive page.
Supplementary Guidance
The Local Development Plan is complemented by a number Supplementary Guidance documents, some of which are currently at a draft stage:
- Enabling Development (adopted)
- Energy (draft)
- Priority Places (draft)
- Planning Application Advice Notes (adopted)
Development Plan Scheme and Participation Statement
This document sets out which development plans and guidance documents are currently in effect within Inverclyde and the timetable for their replacement. It also sets out how the Council will encourage participation in the development plan process.