Library service books place at national awards final
INVERCLYDE Council’s libraries service has booked its place in a national awards final.
The service is in the running for the ‘Service Excellence’ prize at the 2023 Scottish Library & Information Council (SLIC) Awards.
Organisers say Inverclyde Libraries has been nominated in recognition of its outstanding contribution to communities and specifically for work around creating a collective focus on health and wellbeing.
Councillor Jim Clocherty, Inverclyde Council’s convener of education and communities, said: “Congratulations to our libraries service staff, partners, and people who use and benefit from the wide range of events, activities and projects delivered in branches across Inverclyde.
“Our libraries are much more than just books and computer access, they are at the heart of our towns and villages offering learning opportunities for residents of all ages, from Bookbug sessions for parents and toddlers, to community-led initiatives like the recently-launched Lend and Mend Hub at South West Library in Greenock to encourage people to recycle, upcycle and reuse everyday items in keeping with our environmental commitments.
“Whether it’s reading a book, taking part in a class or course, or attending an event, our libraries are playing their part in improving the health and wellbeing of our residents and, in turn, creating opportunities and improving outcomes.”

Announcing Inverclyde as a finalist, organisers SLIC said: “Inverclyde Libraries have been shortlisted for the efforts in ‘Collective Focus on Health and Wellbeing for Service Excellence’.
“A strong strategic approach has delivered a co-designed health and wellbeing service with a strong focus on self-management and preventing ill-health.
“There were an incredible range of activities for all ages based around space, social events, literacy, training, and an enviable range of partners.
“Inverclyde Libraries is a library service working at full throttle to identity and support the needs of their local communities.”
Inverclyde Council’s libraries service has been shortlisted for the award along with library services from Midlothian and East Lothian.
SLIC Chair, Professor Ian Ruthven, who led the awards judging panel, said: “Libraries are unique cultural, educational, and social spaces.
“As well as providing core library services, they continue to offer ambitious responses to the big issues facing our local communities including tackling climate change, mitigating the cost-of-living crisis, improving attainment, and supporting health and well-being.
“We congratulate all those who were nominated for this year’s awards. The entries share common values of community-mindedness, empathetic decision-making, and passion for what a library service can offer.
“They also offered repeatable models for delivering excellence and together they demonstrate the incredible commitment and creativity of Scotland’s library services.”
The winners of the 2023 SLIC Awards will be announced at the SLIC Showcase and AGM on Friday 3 November 2023.
The awards shortlist is available by searching the SLIC website or via the link in the Other Websites section of this page.
For more information about Inverclyde Council’s libraries service search the libraries section of the Inverclyde Council website or click on the link in the Related Links section of this page and keep up to date with the latest events and activities via the Inverclyde Libraries social media channels.