Jobs fair works well
JOB-hunters and representatives from almost 30 employers turned out for Inverclyde Council’s second jobs fair.
Following on from the success of a similar event in April, the local authority hosted a careers day in Greenock Town Hall on Friday 6 October 2023 to bring together prospective employees and employers.
The jobs fair was hosted by the council alongside partners including Inverclyde Community Development Trust (The Trust), JobCentre Plus, and Skills Development Scotland.
There were 27 employers and training providers, including council and health and social care services, to discuss opportunities with the many job-hunters who attended throughout the day and answer any questions.

Councillor Michael McCormick, Inverclyde Council’s convener of environment and regeneration, who was on hand at the event to meet employers and job-hunters, said: “The aim of the jobs fair was to provide an opportunity for local residents to find out about employment opportunities in the area, meet directly with employers and training providers, and gain help and advice from partner agencies and show that Inverclyde works.
“It is difficult at the moment for employers to recruit but there are talented people out there who are keen to get into the workplace or develop their skillsets to pursue the career they want and the jobs fair is the perfect platform to bring employers direct to employees, and vice-versa.
“We also know how important good employment is for lifting people out of poverty and improving life chances and I hope we hear many success stories from this event in the weeks, months and even years to come.
“It was another great success and thanks to all our partners involved who worked alongside the council’s workforce development team to make it all happen.”
The jobs fair ran from 10am to 1pm.
Look out for job opportunities online via the council, JobCentre Plus, Trust and other social media channels by looking for the #InverclydeWorks hashtag.
More information about jobs currently available within council and HSCP services can be found on the MyJobScotland website via the link in the Other Websites section of this page.