PS Comet commemoration opportunity

ORGANISATIONS and individuals are being invited to be part of an exciting project to commemorate Port Glasgow’s historic PS Comet.

Inverclyde Council is working alongside the Port Glasgow Regeneration Forum to develop plans to honour Sir Henry Bell’s famous Port-built paddle steamer which became the first commercially successful passenger steamboat in Europe.

It comes after the existing replica ship in the town centre was deemed beyond repair by experts in a report commissioned by the local authority. 

Councillor Drew McKenzie and Councillor Stephen McCabe at the replica of PS Comet in Port Glasgow
Councillor Drew McKenzie and Councillor Stephen McCabe at the replica of PS Comet in Port Glasgow

Now council leader, Councillor Stephen McCabe, and Councillor Drew McKenzie, who chairs the forum, are inviting businesses, individuals and other organisations to get involved with the next stage of the project to commemorate PS Comet and Inverclyde’s maritime links.

In a joint letter, they said: “We are keen to enlist the help and support of businesses and people expert in their field who would be willing to join our endeavour to help with the development of this exciting project; to commemorate a part of the River Clyde and Scotland’s contribution to our nation’s maritime heritage.”

The existing Comet replica was built in the 1960s but its condition has deteriorated over the years.

Several options are currently being considered to replace it.

The letter continues: “The council, through its local Port Glasgow Regeneration Forum, has been examining options to find a way of suitably commemorating PS Comet and I am writing to you on behalf of that forum, to ask if we could call on your support and resources to help with that project.

“We are examining whether a similar full size replica to the one created in the 1960s is the best way to commemorate the paddle steamer.

“We are equally open to finding other ways either using different more sustainable material or by creating a different digital or physical experience for visitors and residents to Port Glasgow to commemorate PS Comet.”

The full text of the letter:



We are sure you are aware of the history of the PS Comet and its important role as the first commercially successful steam boat in Europe, taking passengers between Greenock and Glasgow.

In 1962 a full size replica of PS Comet was commissioned to commemorate the 150th anniversary of her maiden voyage, which was put on display and was a proud feature of Port Glasgow town centre.

Unfortunately the years have not been kind to the replica and the council commissioned a detailed examination of the ship, to assess its suitability for repair.

The outcome was that the PS Comet replica is beyond repair.

The council, through its local Port Glasgow Regeneration Forum, has been examining options to find a way of suitably commemorating PS Comet and we are writing to you on behalf of that forum, to ask if we could call on your support and resources to help with that project.

We are examining whether a similar full size replica to the one created in the 1960s is the best way to commemorate the paddle steamer. We are equally open to finding other ways either using different more sustainable material or by creating a different digital or physical experience for visitors and residents to Port Glasgow to commemorate PS Comet.

We are keen to enlist the help and support of businesses and people expert in their field, like you, who would be willing to join our endeavour to help with the development of this exciting project; to commemorate a part of the River Clyde and Scotland’s contribution to our nation’s maritime heritage.

 Yours sincerely


Councillor Stephen McCabe

Leader, Inverclyde Council


Councillor Drew McKenzie

Chair, Port Glasgow Town Centre Regeneration Forum