New Director appointed

corporate director of environment,
regeneration and resources
Inverclyde Council has appointed Scott Allan as its new Corporate Director of Environment, Regeneration and Resources.
Scott replaces the former director, Aubrey Fawcett, after his appointment as Chief Executive of the Council in August.
Councillor Stephen McCabe, Leader of Inverclyde Council, said: “Scott will be a welcome addition to the senior management of the council and had a very impressive interview. Local government is facing many challenges and Scott’s approach to excellent service delivery and innovation will be crucial at an important time the life of Inverclyde Council. It can sound like a cliché sometimes to say it, but there genuinely was a very strong field of candidates to this key position in the Council. Scottish local government has some very good people in its ranks and I would like to thank those who applied for this position. There are high expectations on all of the shoulders of the council’s senior management, but I am confident that Scott is up to the challenge.”
Aubrey Fawcett, Chief executive of Inverclyde Council, said: “As a head of service in one of our neighbouring councils Scott knows Inverclyde and many of our officers through areas where both councils have worked together. He has a wealth of experience in many of the key areas held within the directorate and will be a very good addition to the corporate management team in the council. The recruitment panel were given some tough choices and I would like to congratulate Scott and welcome him to the team.
Scott Allan said: “I am delighted and privileged to be joining Inverclyde Council. Inverclyde has an enviable track record of regeneration and the provision of excellent public services. I look forward to joining the Chief Executive and colleagues across the Council to continue this journey.”
Scott Allan has 34 years’ experience in Scottish local government. He is currently Head of Amenity Services at Renfrewshire Council, a position he has held since 2014. Prior to that he was Head of Roads and Transportation at the council (2010 – 2014); Transportation Manager/Principal Engineer at Renfrewshire Council (1996 – 2010) and Assistant Principal Engineer at the former Strathclyde Regional Council. Scott is expected to join the Council in his new position early in the New Year.