Common Good Asset Register
The common good estate is the land and buildings forming part of the common good now in the ownership of the Council. In March 2011 the Council completed a review of its heritable property from which a Common Good Asset Register has been produced and which is detailed in the table below. This register is a live document and will be periodically updated to reflect firstly any permitted sales by the Council, and secondly the identification of any further land and property as being in Council ownership and part of the common good. Any enquiries regarding this register should also be directed to the Council’s Legal Services.
Albert Road Boat Platform |
Albert Road Toilet |
Ashton Boat House |
Cove Rd Boat Yard & Slipway |
Darroch Park |
Gourock Pool |
Kempock Street, gap site (former No.38, adjacent to No. 40) |
Kempock Street, gap site (former No.16, adjacent to No.18) |
Shore Street Toilet |
Battery Park |
Broomhill Park |
Caddlehill Land |
Dalrymple Street No 95 |
Drumfrochar Road No 18 |
Esplanade Toilets |
Greenock Municipal Buildings and Town Hall |
Hillend Bowling Club |
Lady Alice Park (with former Hector McNeil Pool) |
Lady Octavia Park |
Larkfield Industrial Estate |
Wellington Park Bowling Club |
Wellpark Park (including former Wellpark Nursery) |
Whinhill Golf Club |
Port Glasgow
Bay Street (shops at No.s 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14) |
Fyfe Shore Depot |
Highholm Street/Balfour Street Land |
John Wood Street (shops at No.s 1, 4, 5-13, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21 and 22) |
Port Glasgow Baths |
Port Glasgow Town Hall |
It should be noted that the scope of this register includes only those properties which have been assesed as, in the opinion of Council Officers, meeting the legal tests for common good property. This assesment is based on the state of knowledge of such officers at the time of assesment, both as to the extent of Council ownership and the facts and circumstances surrounding individual properties. This assesment is therefore subject to change, in particular should relevant information come to the attention of officers or should there be any developments in the law relating to common good. The Council therefore reserves the right to amend this register at any time.