Care and repair
Care and Repair services for Inverclyde are delivered by Bridgewater Housing Association who provide free advice and information and also facilitate repairs, improvement, and adaptations to meet the needs of disabled people, to homes in the private sector. This service is for those over 60, disabled homeowners, and private tenants.
Small Repairs Service
The small repairs team is made up of fully qualified tradespeople and provides services to homeowners and tenants in the private rented sector who are either disabled or are over 60 years of age. The service is also available to tenants of Housing Associations who meet the criteria, however, work cannot be carried out that is a landlord’s responsibility. If anyone is unsure if they can access the service they can call the telephone number for advice.
The small repairs service is being delivered for free until 31st March 2022.
Examples of Small Repairs
- Replace tap washers
- Replace tap head gear
- Fit lever tap kits (depending on exisitng taps)
- Re-silicone baths and showers
- Adjust / replace ball valves (not lofts)
- Bleed radiators
- Repair small leeks
- Connect washing machines to existing pipe work
- Unblock traps
- Replace toilet seats
- Unblock WC
- Replace plugs / chains
- WC cistern handles
- Top up central heating (combi boiler)
- Fit shower screens / curtains / hoses / riser rails
- Replace bath panels
- Repair outside taps (no install)
- Box in pipe work (small only, time consuming)
- Repair door locks on wooden doors only
- Fit spy holes
- Replace letterbox
- Fit handles / hinges
- Adjust doors (after new carpet fitted etc.)
- Fit grab rails (visual survey required)
- Fit draught excluders
- Fit shelves
- Curtain track / poles
- Small flat pack
- Fit bathroom accessories / cabinets
- Lower small kitchen cabinets
- Fit vents
- Repair drawers / runnners
- Check broken floorboards
- Fault find and repair lights / sockets
- Replace sockets / light switches
- Replace lighting pendants
- Replace lamps
- Repair table lamps
- Replace immersion thermostats (not elements)
- Replace fire elements
- Replace security lighting (as long as the cable is already there)
- Replace bathroom fans / transformers
- Install security lighting
- Replace rings on cookers (dependent on age)
- Install and repair door bells
- Bond pipe work
- Install battery operated smoke alarms
- Replace mains operated smoke alarms
- Install carbon monoxide detectors
- Adjust time clocks
- Replace C/H time clock
- Install BT sockets (alert alarms only)
- Replace filters, hoovers / extractors etc.
- Replace storage heater elements (check asbestos list first)
- Fault find / repair shower circuits up to the unit (don't replace parts inside)
- Hang curtains
- Fit blinds
- Replace batteries
- Move small furniture
- Replace thresholds
- Hang pictures / mirrors
- Replace pulley ropes