Information for children

If you don't feel safe, speak to someone who can help you. Talk to an adult you trust.
If the person you speak to does not listen to you, or does not take you seriously or is not able to help you, then speak to:

- your teacher
- your doctor or school nurse
- a social worker
- a police officer
Inverclyde Children and Families Social Work Team can be contacted on 01475 715363 (during office hours).
If the social work offices are closed, phone social work emergency services on 0300 343 1505.
Or phone Childline on 0800 11 11.
In an emergency
If you or a friend need help contact the police or social work right away.
To contact the police, call 101, or 999 in an emergency.
Your rights

Scotland's Children's Commissioner campaigns with and on behalf of young people.
It's the Children's Commissioner's job to make sure children and young people in Scotland have their rights respected. You can find out more on the Children's Commissioner's website.
If you are in care or involved in a child protection matter, Who Cares Scotland will help you make sure your views are taken into account. Link provided on the right.

You can get advice on Scot's law as it relates to young people from the Scottish Child Law Centre. Link provided on the right.
You can also speak to Inverclyde’s Children’s Right’s Officer, Caroline McCahill on
Tel 01475715270
Mobile 07387236575
Or email her on