Concerns about a child
What is Child Abuse?
Child abuse is when someone harms a child or young person. Abuse can be physical, emotional, or sexual. It can also include neglect.
What to do if you are concerned?
Members of the Community have a key role in identifying children at risk. If you are concerned that a child has experienced or is at risk of abuse you should speak to someone.
Who should I tell?
If you think a child might be in immediate danger you should always contact the police right away by dialing 999.
If the child is not in immediate danger, you have a choice about who to speak to because all adults share responsibility for keeping children safe.
You can contact the police on 101.
You can speak to someone you already know, such as your own health visitor, doctor, child’s teacher or nursery worker. They will be able to help by either giving you advice and support, or by taking the matter forward themselves.
Or, you can contact social work services. The number to call within Inverclyde is HSCP Children and Families Social Work Team
01475 715365 (office hours)
Glasgow and Partners Emergency Social Work Services (out of office hours) : 0300 343 1505
You do not have to give your name. While it is usually easier and more helpful if you give your own details, this is not necessary to help the child.
You must clearly tell the person that you are worried about a child. Then give them as much information as you can about the child and why you are worried.
Are you a parent or carer?
Parentline is here to support anyone caring for or concerned about a child.
Parentline offers a free helpline, email and web-chat service, open Monday to Friday 9am to 9pm and Saturday to Sunday 9am - noon.
Call 08000 28 22 33
Getting advice
The NSPCC are here to help you. As a leading children's charity that helps to prevent child abuse, they have a wealth of information, advice and guidance:
The NSPCC helpline is open Monday to Friday 8am – 10pm or Saturday - Sunday 9am – 6pm to speak to a professional counsellor and get advice.
Call 0808 800 5000
NSPCC's trained helpline counsellors can be contacted 24 hours a day by email or their online reporting form.
What to do if you suspect abuse
For more information and support see Child Protection Committees Scotland: (click to link on right).