Inverclyde Advocacy Project

For various reasons individuals may not feel that they can effectively get their point of view across when dealing with organisations like for example social work and health services.  Advocacy Services provide support to people who need help to express their views and wishes. Advocacy services can be a safeguard in situations where people are vulnerable. 

It is not always possible or appropriate for relatives and / or friends to represent an individual's interest. In some instances service users and carers need someone who can independently support them to ensure that their views and wishes are effectively expressed. Here independence included independence from the organisations and other individuals involved in the discussions and decisions taking place.

Advocacy Services are independent. An advocacy worker assists a person to speak up for what they think is important in their lives and to tell people (including Council Officers) what they want to happen.  Council Officers can arrange for an advocacy worker on the persons behalf or can give the person the contact details for the local advocacy service so they can get in touch themselves. 

Who can get help from Advocacy Services?

Advocacy services can be provided to individuals and carers, families and young people.

Inverclyde Advocacy Project

Independent Advocacy services are provided by the Inverclyde Advocacy Project. This project offers free, confidential and independent support.