How much time would I have to give to being a panel member?

Panel members are expected to do, on average, one or two hearing sessions a month, normally during the day. However, emergency Hearings may need to be arranged at other times as necessary. An applicant who can be available for both day time Hearings and Hearings required at other times occasionally will be a particular asset, but in all cases some day time availability is essential. At each hearings session, the Panel members may see two to three families. Each individual hearing lasts about forty to forty-five minutes, but difficult cases can take longer. The preparation for hearings can take several hours.

Panel members are also expected to have an on-going commitment to training throughout their period of service within Inverclyde itself and in collaboration with Panel members from other local authority areas to benefit from the exchange of views and experience. Visits to establishments, such as children's homes, are also arranged and Panel members may have an opportunity to attend conferences or the Children's Panel National School.

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Page last updated: 14 May 2015