Pest Control Service

What do Inverclyde Council do?

Inverclyde Council's Public Health and Housing team operates a pest control service which provides the following:

  • Treatment for rats
  • Treatment for mice (indoors only)
  • Identification of and advice on the treatment of insect infestations
  • Treatment of wasp nests
  • Treatment of insects of public health significance.

There is a charge for the treatment of rats, mice, and wasps (see table below); however, you should check with your housing provider or landlord to find out if they will pay for the treatment.  

Our Pest Control Officer will visit you in your home to provide an insect identification service and guidance on how to treat the insects for no charge. Treatment of insects of public health significance, such as fleas bedbugs and cockroaches is also available free of charge to householders.

How to report a pest control issue

If you wish to report a pest problem online please use the link on this page. Alternatively you can contact the Customer Service Centre, at the details on this page, to report a pest issue or make a general enquiry.

Book a Pest Service

Most housing association customers will have to provide a purchase order number from their landlord before a chargeable pest control appointment can be made.  If your landlord or housing association advises that they will not have a pest control treatment carried out to your property by the Council or any other pest control operative please advise customer services and they will record the details of the pest control issue and an officer from the Public Health and Housing team will contact you with advice.

If you are unhappy with the response of your landlord or Housing Association to a rat or mouse complaint after 4/ 5 days of reporting it, please contact the Customer Service Centre who will record it and report it to Public Health and Housing for investigation.

Pest control notifications

If you receive a Pest Control Notification from the Council you should read it carefully.

The purpose of the notification is to let you know that evidence of an active rat or mouse infestation has been found by Council officers at the property address described on the notification. It explains what has been found and what you need to do to deal with the problem including how to pay for and arrange for the Council to carry out a treatment.

The officer dealing with the issue can be contacted by getting in touch with the Customer Service Centre. They will be able to discuss the notification with you, give you advice about it and provide information about the infestation and how to deal with it.

Pest control service charges

Pest control service charges (from 1 April 2022)
Fee Type Cost (£)
Rats and mice treatment (up to 3 visits and a final survey) £79.00
Wasp nest treatment* £62.00 (£29.50 per additional nest)
Insect identification service Free of charge
Treatment of biting insects and cockroaches Free of charge

 *Please note that a treatment can only be carried out if the pest control officer can access the nest to treat it. Normally a third storey property can be reached from the outside. The nest will not be removed it will be treated with insecticide.  In the event of no wasp nest treatment being carried out you will only be charged a £25.25 call out fee

Many calls to the pest control service commonly mistake wasps for bees, which Inverclyde Council do not treat.  Please see the the pages on bees for guidance on identification and recommended actions.