Archive Donations
Donating to Inverclyde Archives
We are happy to accept donations from local groups, organisations or members of the public for our archive collection. All offers are always considered very carefully and appraised by the Archivist based on our Archives Collecting Policy and criteria for accessions. In short, anything relating to the history of Inverclyde will be considered.
If you wish to donate something to Inverclyde Archives, please get in touch by email or by calling 01475 715624.
The stages involved in donating to the Archive are:
- After discussing the potential donation with the Archivist, you will be asked to complete an accession form for our records.
- All donations will be accepted as a donation and the transfer of title will go to Inverclyde Archives.
- Loans to the Archive Collection will not be accepted unless it has been agreed for the purposes of a short term exhibition or display.
- If an item is not considered suitable for the collection, the Archivist may be able to suggest another institution to whom donation may be more appropriate.
When a donation is received, it will become part of the permanent collection of Inverclyde Archives and may be displayed from time to time or used on our website and social media channels.