Here are a few steps you should take to keep your home as secure as possible whilst you are away.
Get to know your neighbours, if you trust them, they might keep an eye on your home, draw curtains and remove mail from behind the door.
Consider using Royal Mail’s Keepsafe service, they will keep your mail for up to 66 days.
Make sure you cancel any regular deliveries such as milk or newspapers.
Use timers on lights, make sure your alarm is set
Don’t post on social media that you’re going on holiday - criminals can search for this kind of information to identify empty houses.
For general crime prevention advice and tips, speak to your local Crime Reduction Officer / Designing Out Crime Officer or community policing team by dialling 101.
Going to an event or festival?
Stay with friends, let them know where you are at all times, arrange meeting points and keep your phones fully charged.
Make sure you and your friends have return journeys planned.
Stay alert – people under the influence are easy targets for criminals.
If you’re driving home, make sure you’re not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Stick to water the night before. Don't go over the drink drive limit.
Think Open Water, Think Risk
Help us raise awareness of the Water Safety Code which presents the key information needed to help keep people safe around water. Be aware of the dangers around reservoirs - even if drained, the sinking mud can be a risk to life!
Scan the QR Code to find out more.
Derelict Buildings and Fire Risks
Setting fires can be a concern, particularly during dry spells of weather when fire can spread rapidly and put lives and property at risk. Please consider the importance of discussing with your child the dangers associated with entering abandoned or derelict properties where potential fires are just one of many risks.
How can I report crime or anti-social behaviour?
Inverclyde Community Wardens are operational from 13:00hrs to 23:30hrs and should be contacted on 0800 01 317 01 when incidents of antisocial behaviour are occurring. An answering machine is available if the line is busy.
If you wish to speak to an antisocial behaviour investigator (Social Protection Team) to discuss your options or ask for advice they can be contacted between 09:00hrs and 17:00hrs on 01475 714204.
You can also report antisocial behaviour via the email in the Contacts section of this page. This is checked by antisocial behaviour investigators during office hours so should not be used to report live incidents.
"If you suspect it, report it" by contacting Police Scotland on 999 or in the case of a non-emergency 101.
An anti-terrorist hotline is also available by calling 0800 789 321.
How do I report anonymously?
You can report crime and anti-social behaviour 100% anonymously through Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555 111.
Fearless, which is part of Crimestoppers, enables young people to pass on information about crime 100% anonymously.
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