Scottish Youth Parliament

The Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) is a non-political, youth-led organisation that seeks to represent and be representative of Scotland’s young people aged 14-25. The SYP is designed by young people, led by young people … for the benefit of young people.
This structure is completely unique in Europe and quite possibly the world. As a youth-led youth representing body, the SYP embodies the very highest level of youth participation.
Established in 1999, the SYP currently has 126 members, referred to as MSYP’s (Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament) who represent local constituencies and national youth-involving voluntary organisations.
Every 4 years the SYP are committed to producing a youth manifesto (what young people believe is important) in the run up to the Scottish Parliament elections. This potentially influences political parties’ own manifestos and therefore future decisions which are made.
Article 12 of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) states that “children and young people should have a right to say what they think should happen when adults are making decisions that affect them and to have their opinions taking into accounts”. The work the SYP is very relevant to this important convention.
Inverclyde Council has 2 MSYP’s who will be working within their local communities to try to bring about positive change. Hopefully, this will also impact at a national level.
The MSYP’s remain in their role for two years and will play an active role fighting to improve things for Scotland’s young people. MSYPs have opportunities to develop and SQA recognised training to help them carry out their roles. They are also expected to attend up to four national sittings per year and take part in various campaigns.