I Youth Zone (Port Glasgow)

I Youth Zone logo

I Youth Zone (Dubbs Place, Port Glasgow) provides a safe place for young people to participate in a range of activities, gain access to advice and support and encourages them to become actively involved in their communities. Young people aged 12+ can meet friends, access computers/internet, make arts and crafts, participate in team activities, play games and have access to trained youth work staff.  The project also provides a range of information on various issues such as alcohol and drugs, sexual health, mental health and bullying.

Current opening times:


Girls Group (Contact Jac for more info: jac.millar@inverclyde.gov.uk)


S1+ Drop In (6:30pm - 8:30pm)


Primary 7 Drop In (6:30pm - 8:30pm)


S1+ Drop In (6:30pm - 8:30pm)