No One Left Behind
Scotland’s Devolved Employability Approach
No One Left Behind (NOLB) is the Scottish approach to employability provision. It focuses on the needs of the individual and builds on their strengths, giving them the right support to help to improve their life chances.
NOLB is delivered through effective integration and alignment of a variety of local and national support and services. With services working closely together, they deliver better and more sustainable outcomes for those people who face significant barriers to accessing work.
The NOLB National Products Handbook has been designed in partnership with Scottish and Local Government. It explains the existing NOLB resources and how they fit together, and the intention is to enable a clear understanding of expectations, standards, and commitments for Scottish employability services. The Handbook is available in the Documents section of this page.
The NOLB Employability Strategic Plan 2024-2027 can be found in the Other Websites section of this page.
Funding To Date
The 2024-2025 Scottish Government NOLB Offer of Grant to Inverclyde Council was received on 17th June 2024 at a value of £1,023,000:-
All Age Employability Support - £427,000
Child Poverty Employability - £596,000
This funding is being used to deliver a range of employability provision, including procurement of 6 employability services delivered by third sector organisations, details of which can be found at:
The 2023-2024 Scottish Government NOLB funding allocation to Inverclyde Council was:-
- £415,000 – All Age Provision
- £471,000 – Child Poverty Employability
This funding was used to procure 4 employability services delivered by third sector organisations, funded a Job Creation Programme for parents/kinship carers, provide Key Worker support for parents and other target groups, augment the Council’s Modern Apprentice Programme, provide wage subsidies and Employer Recruitment Incentives (ERIs) to local employers and provide discretionary funding for upskilling those in-work.
The 2022-23 funding allocation to Inverclyde Council:-
No-One Left Behind (NOLB) – £235,000
Parental Employment Support Fund (PESF) – £154,000
Young Persons Guarantee (YPG) - £234,000
Long Term Unemployed 25+ Job Creation Programme - £300,000
Employability Customer Charter
The Charter has been co-designed with users of employability services and agreed by partners across the Public, Third and Private sectors. It establishes three commitments NOLB funded services will make to users:
1. A service that treats you with dignity and respect;
2. A service that works for you; and
3. A service that learns and improves.
Each commitment sets out what users can expect when accessing employment services, what employment services will do to achieve this and how users can ensure the commitments are being met.
A Lived Experience Panel was established to create this document, which brought together users from groups likely to experience barriers to employment, including disabled people, ethnic minority groups and care experienced people.
The Charter is available in the Documents section on this page.
Other NOLB information:
Further information on Employability Service Standards can be found here
The Continuous Improvement Toolkit can be found here
Information and guidance related to service user engagement and the Scottish Approach to Service Design can be found here
National Discussion Events 2023
The Scottish Government held a total of six National Discussion Events between August and November 2023. Hosted by Local Authority partners in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Ayr, the events provided approximately 300 partners from the public, third, and private sectors the opportunity to support the next phase of No One Left Behind.
The No One Left Behind National Discussion Events report ( ) summarises the discussions that took place across all six events, as well as many of the actions suggested by colleagues across the country. The feedback and ideas generated helped to inform the Scottish Government’s Strategic Plan for the future of employability, which is set to be published in Summer 2024.
No One Left Behind and the Young Person's Guarantee: Implementation Evaluation – August 2023:
NOLB Delivery Plan – November 2020:
Next Steps for Employability Support – March 2018:
NOLB Review of Employability Services – December 2018: