Business Development

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Inverclyde Council is committed to strengthening the local economy through the support of small to medium size businesses. This integrated support ranges from advice on business development, property and marketing through to financial assistance in the form of grants and loans.

Inverclyde Council's Regeneration & Planning Service works in partnership with a number of other business support agencies to deliver support services to business (both start up and existing) including Business Gateway, Skills Development Scotland, Jobcentre Plus, Greenock Chamber of Commerce, Princes Scottish Youth Business Trust and West College Scotland.

Financial assistance may be available from Inverclyde Council and requires a company to submit a Business Plan or detailed project plan, company accounts and latest audited accounts (existing businesses). Eligible companies have to be located in the Inverclyde area and have less than 250 employees. All funds are discretionary and are open to new and existing businesses but sectoral restrictions apply.Companies seeking assistance should be able to demonstrate how the proposal will increase competitiveness; encourage inward investment; create or protect employment; or improve all round performance. New businesses should be able to demonstrate growth and employment potential.