Education & Lifelong Learning Committee


Wednesday 21 January 2004 at 1.00 pm



Present:  Provost Rebecchi, Councillors Blair, Forbes, Gallacher, Hill, McCabe, McKenzie, Mitchell, Robertson, Snoddy, Tucker and White, Father T Boyle and Rev C McGranaghan, Church Representatives, Mr A Sweeney, Parent Representative and Mr T Tracey, Teacher Representative.



Chair:  Councillor Mitchell presided.



In attendance:  Chief Executive, Depute Chief Executive, Director of Education Services, Director of Finance, Director of Legal & Support Services, Ms L Brabender, Senior Solicitor, Head of Personnel Services, Head of Property Services and Managing Solicitor (Committee/Contracts).



With the exception of the decisions marked “C” which are open for confirmation or otherwise the following paragraphs are submitted for information only, having been dealt with under the powers delegated to the Committee.






There was submitted a report by the Director of Education Services (1) providing information on the statutory consultation exercise relating to the future provision of education in Inverclyde carried out during November and December 2003, (2) highlighting issues and themes raised during the consultation and the implementations which these have for the original proposals and (3) seeking approval for the recommendations made in respect of each of the nine consultation documents along with the general recommendations made in respect of all the documents.



The Committee was adjourned and re-convened to allow for the formal convening and adjournment of the Policy & Strategy Committee at 3.10pm.  The Committee re-convened at 3.20pm.  The Committee was also adjourned and re-convened to allow for the formal convening and adjournment of The Inverclyde Council at 4pm.



(Provost Rebecchi left the meeting during consideration of this item of business).



(A)      The Provision of Denominational Primary Education in Port Glasgow



Councillor Mitchell moved that the following proposals be endorsed:-



(i)       that St Francis Primary School not close in June 2004;



(ii)      that no new school be built in the grounds of St Stephen’s High School and that no new delineated area be established;



(iii)      that the decision that Holy Family Primary School be formally closed in June 2004 be reaffirmed and that the pupils transfer in August 2004 to St Francis and St Michael’s Primaries, dependent on delineated catchment areas;



(iv)     that the delineated area for St Michael’s Primary School be as shown in Appendix 3 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(v)      that the delineated area for St John’s Primary School be as shown in Appendix 4 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(vi)     that the delineated area for St Francis Primary School be as shown in Appendix 5 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(vii)     that it be reaffirmed that St Francis, St Michael’s and St John’s Primary Schools be associated with St Stephen’s High School;



(viii)    that Rainbow Family Centre be sustained within the area and that a report on its location be submitted to a future Committee;



(ix)     that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



As an amendment, Councillor Robertson moved:-



(i)  that it be remitted to the Director of Education Services to draw up statutory consultation documents for 2 new denominational primary schools to replace Holy Family, St Francis, St Michael’s and St John’s Primary Schools;



(ii)  that it be remitted to the Cross Party Working Group to determine the sites for the new schools in consultation with appropriate interested parties;



(iii)      that St Francis Primary School not close in June 2004;



(iv)     that no new school be built in the grounds of St Stephen’s High School and that no new delineated area be established;



(v)      that Holy Family Primary School not close in June 2004;



(vi)     that the delineated area for St Michael’s Primary School be as shown in Appendix 3 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(vii)     that the delineated area for St John’s Primary School be as shown in Appendix 4 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(viii)    that the delineated area for St Francis Primary School be as shown in Appendix 5 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(ix)     that it be reaffirmed that St Francis, St Michael’s and St John’s Primary Schools be associated with St Stephen’s High School;



On a vote 3 Members voted for the amendment and 10 for the motion which was declared carried.  Those Members who had voted in favour of the amendment then requested in terms of the relevant Standing Order that the matter be referred to The Inverclyde Council for decision in terms of the amendment.



(B)     The Provision of Non-Denominational Primary Education in Port Glasgow



Councillor Mitchell moved that the following proposals be endorsed:-



(i)       that Clune Park Primary School not close in June 2004;



(ii)      that Highholm Primary School not close in June 2004;



(iii)      that no new school be built on a site at the lower end of Clune Brae and Glasgow Road and no delineated area be established;



(iv)     that Slaemuir Primary School not close in June 2004;



(v)      that the decision that Boglestone Primary School be formally closed in June 2004 be reaffirmed and that the pupils transfer to Slaemuir and Highholm Primary Schools dependent on delineated catchment areas;



(vi)     that the delineated area for Slaemuir Primary School be as shown in Appendix 3 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(vii)     that the delineated area for Highholm Primary School be as shown in Appendix 4 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(viii)    that no new school be built on the site adjacent to Boglestone Community Centre



and no delineated area be established;



(ix)     that a new school be built on the site of the existing Boglestone Primary School;



(x)      that Slaemuir and Highholm Primary Schools be closed formally in June 2006;



(xi)     that the pupils attending Slaemuir and Highholm Primary Schools transfer to the new school with a capacity of 594 to be built on the existing Boglestone Primary School site;



(xii)     that Slaemuir and Highholm Primary School buildings continue in use as annexes of the new school until completion of the new school;



(xiii)    that the new primary school be associated with Port Glasgow High School;



(xiv)    that the delineated area for the new primary school replacing Boglestone, Slaemuir and Highholm Primary Schools, be, from December 2005, as shown in Appendix 5 of the consultative document;



(xv)    that the delineated area for Clune Park Primary School be as shown in Appendix 6 of the consultative document;



(xvi)    that the pre-school education provision made at Slaemuir and Highholm Primary Schools be sustained in the new school and other pre-5 provision within the area;



(xvii)   that the position of Clune Park Primary School be reviewed in 5 years;



(xviii)  that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



As an amendment Councillor Robertson moved:-



(i) that it be remitted to the Director of Education Services to draw up statutory consultation documents for 2 new non-denominational primary schools to replace Slaemuir, Boglestone, Clune Park and Highholm Primary Schools;



(ii)  that it be remitted to the Cross Party Working Group to determine the sites for the new schools in consultation with appropriate interested parties;



(iii)      that Clune Park Primary School not close in June 2004;



(iv)     that Highholm Primary School not close in June 2004;



(v)      that no new school be built on a site at the lower end of Clune Brae and Glasgow Road and no delineated area be established;



(vi)     that Slaemuir Primary School not close in June 2004;



(vii)     that Boglestone Primary School not close in June 2004;



(viii)    that the delineated area for Slaemuir Primary School be as shown in Appendix 3 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(ix)     that the delineated area for Highholm Primary School be as shown in Appendix 4 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(x)      that no new school be built on the site adjacent to Boglestone Community Centre and no delineated area be established;



On a vote 3 Members voted for the amendment and 9 for the motion which was declared carried.  Those Members who had voted in favour of the amendment then requested in terms of the relevant Standing Order that the matter be referred to The Inverclyde Council for decision in terms of the amendment.



(C)  The Provision of Denominational Primary Education in East Greenock



Councillor Mitchell moved that the following proposals be endorsed:-



(i)       that St Kenneth’s Primary School not close in June 2004;



(ii)      that St. Laurence’s Primary School not close in June 2004;



(iii)      that no new school be built on the site in the area of Gilmour Street/Fairrie Street and that no delineated area be established;



(iv)     that the decision that St Mungo’s Primary School be formally closed in June 2004 be reaffirmed and that the pupils transfer to St Kenneth’s or St Laurence’s Primary Schools, dependent upon the delineated catchment area;



(v)      that the delineated area for St Kenneth’s Primary School be as shown in Appendix 3 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(vi)     that the delineated area for St Laurence’s Primary School be as shown in Appendix 4 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(vii)     that St Kenneth's Primary School and St Laurence’s Primary School be associated with Notre Dame High School, with the exception of those pupils residing in the areas hatched in black in Appendices 3 and 4 of the consultative document, who will continue to be associated with St Stephen's High School;



(viii)    that road safety measures on Bridgend Road at the railway bridge be introduced;



(ix)     that the Language and Communication Unit be relocated in alternative accommodation;



(x)      that St Mungo’s nursery class be relocated in alternative accommodation;



(xi)     that St Kenneth’s and St Laurence’s Primary Schools be closed formally in June 2006;



(xii)     that the pupils attending St Kenneth’s and St Laurence’s Primary Schools transfer to a new school with a capacity of 495 to be built on the site of the existing St Kenneth’s Primary School;



(xiii)    that the St Kenneth’s and St Laurence’s Primary School buildings continue in use as annexes of the new school until completion of the new school;



(xiv)    that the delineated area of the new school be the combined areas of the existing St Kenneth’s, St Laurence’s and St Mungo’s Primary Schools;



(xv)    that the new school be associated with Notre Dame High School, with the exception of those pupils residing in the areas hatched in black in Appendices 3 and 4 of the consultative document, who will continue to be associated with St Stephen’s High School;



(xvi)    that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



As an amendment Councillor Robertson moved:-



(i)  that it be remitted to the Director of Education Services to draw up statutory consultation documents for 2 new denominational primary schools to replace St Mungo’s, St Kenneth’s and St Laurence’s Primary Schools;



(ii)  that it be remitted to the Cross Party Working Group to determine the sites for the new schools in consultation with appropriate interested parties;



(iii)      that St Kenneth’s Primary School not close in June 2004;



(iv)     that St. Laurence’s Primary School not close in June 2004;



(v)      that no new school be built on the site in the area of Gilmour Street/Fairrie Street and that no delineated area be established;



(vi)     that St Mungo’s Primary School not close in June 2004;



On a vote 3 Members voted for the amendment and 9 for the motion which was declared carried.  Those Members who had voted in favour of the amendment then requested in terms of the relevant Standing Order that the matter be referred to The Inverclyde Council for decision in terms of the amendment.



(D)     The Provision of Non-Denominational Primary Education in East Greenock



Councillor Mitchell moved that the following proposals be endorsed:-



(i)       that King’s Glen Primary School not close in June 2004;



(ii)      that Oakfield Primary School not close in June 2004;



(iii)      that no new school be built;



(iv)     that the delineated area for King’s Glen Primary School be as shown in Appendix 3 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(v)      that the delineated area for Oakfield Primary School be as shown in Appendix 4 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(vi)     that King’s Glen Primary School be formally closed in June 2005;



(vii)     that Oakfield Primary School be upgraded and extended;



(viii)    that pupils attending King’s Glen Primary School transfer to the upgraded and extended Oakfield Primary School in August 2005;



(ix)     that the delineated area for the extended Oakfield Primary School be as shown in Appendix 5 of the consultative document as from December 2004;



(x)      that the school associations be remitted to the Cross Party Working Group for consideration;



(xi)     that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



As an amendment Councillor Robertson moved:-



(i)  that it be remitted to the Director of Education Services to draw up a statutory consultation document for a new non-denominational primary school to replace King’s Glen and Oakfield Primary Schools;



(ii)  that it be remitted to the Cross Party Working Group to determine the site for the new school in consultation with appropriate interested parties;



(iii)      that King’s Glen Primary School not close in June 2004;



(iv)     that Oakfield Primary School not close in June 2004;



(v)      that no new school be built;



(vi)     that the delineated area for King’s Glen Primary School be as shown in Appendix 3 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(vii)     that the delineated area for Oakfield Primary School be as shown in Appendix 4 of the consultative document from January 2004;



On a vote 3 Members voted for the amendment and 9 for the motion which was declared carried.  Those Members who had voted in favour of the amendment then requested in terms of the relevant Standing Order that the matter be referred to The Inverclyde Council for decision in terms of the amendment.



(E)     The Provision of Primary Education in Inverkip/Wemyss Bay



Councillor Mitchell moved that the following proposals be endorsed:-



(i)       that Inverkip Primary School be extended by 2 classrooms;



(ii)      that Wemyss Bay Primary School be refurbished and remodelled including pre school education provision;



(iii)      that a review be undertaken within 3-5 years to establish the extent, nature and location of demand for denominational primary education in Wemyss Bay;



(iv)     that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



This was agreed unanimously.




(F)      The Provision on Non-Denominational Primary Education across Springfield, Larkfield and Ravenscraig Primary Schools




Councillor Mitchell moved that the following proposals be endorsed:-



(i)       that Springfield Primary School be closed formally in June 2004;



(ii)      that the pupils attending Springfield Primary School transfer to Larkfield Primary School;



(iii)      that the catchment areas for Larkfield and Ravenscraig Primary Schools be redelineated as shown in Appendices 3 and 4 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(iv)     that Larkfield Primary School be closed formally in June 2006;



(v)      that Ravenscraig Primary School be closed formally in June 2006;



(vi)     that the pupils attending Larkfield and Ravenscraig Primary Schools transfer to a new school with a capacity of 429 to be built on the site adjacent to the Aileymill Nursery between Auchmead Road and Cumberland Road;



(vii)     that the Ravenscraig and Larkfield Primary School buildings continue in use as annexes of the new school until completion of the new school;



(viii)    that the delineated area of the new school be the combined delineated areas of the existing Larkfield, Ravenscraig and Springfield Primary Schools, as shown in Appendix 2 of the consultative document;



(ix)     that the new school be associated with Greenock High School;



(x)      that a submission be sent as soon as possible to the Scottish Ministers seeking consent for implementation of the proposals;



(xi)     that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



As an amendment Councillor Robertson moved:-



(i)       that Springfield Primary School not close in June 2004;



(ii)      that the pupils attending Springfield Primary School transfer to Larkfield Primary School;



(iii)      that the catchment areas for Larkfield and Ravenscraig Primary Schools be redelineated as shown in Appendices 3 and 4 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(iv)     that Larkfield Primary School be closed formally in June 2006;



(v)      that Ravenscraig Primary School be closed formally in June 2006;



(vi)     that the pupils attending Larkfield and Ravenscraig Primary Schools transfer to a new school with a capacity of 429 to be built on the site adjacent to the Aileymill Nursery between Auchmead Road and Cumberland Road;



(vii)     that the Ravenscraig and Larkfield Primary School buildings continue in use as annexes of the new school until completion of the new school;



(viii)    that the delineated area of the new school be the combined delineated areas of the existing Larkfield, Ravenscraig and Springfield Primary Schools, as shown in Appendix 2 of the consultative document;



(ix)     that the new school be associated with Greenock High School;



(x)      that a submission be sent as soon as possible to the Scottish Ministers seeking consent for implementation of the proposals;



(xi)     that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



(xii)  that there be further consultation on the site of the school being the site of the Ravenscraig Car Park adjacent to the current Ravenscraig Primary School;



On a vote 3 Members voted for the amendment and 9 for the motion which was declared carried.  Those Members who had voted in favour of the amendment then requested in terms of the relevant Standing Order that the matter be referred to The Inverclyde Council for decision in terms of the amendment.



(G)     The Provision of Denominational Primary Education across Holy Cross and St Joseph’s Primary Schools



Councillor Mitchell moved that the following proposals be endorsed:-



(i)       that Holy Cross Primary School be closed formally in June 2004;



(ii)      that the pupils attending Holy Cross Primary School transfer to St Joseph’s Primary School in August 2004;



(iii)      that the delineated area for St Joseph’s Primary School be as shown in Appendix 3 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(iv)     that an extension comprising one classroom with support areas be built at St Joseph’s Primary School;



(v)      that the pre-school education provision at Holy Cross Primary School be sustained across Bluebird Children’s Centre and new early years provision in Lady Alice Primary School;



(vi)     that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



As an amendment Councillor Robertson moved that it be remitted to the Director of Education Services to draw up a statutory consultation document for a new denominational primary school to replace Holy Cross and St Joseph’s Primary Schools to be built on the site of the former ABC flats in Grieve Road, Greenock.



On a vote 5 Members voted for the amendment and 8 for the motion which was declared carried.  Those Members who had voted in favour of the amendment then requested in terms of the relevant Standing Order that the matter be referred to The Inverclyde Council for decision in terms of the amendment.



(H)     The Provision of Non Denominational Primary Education across Overton and Highlander’s Academy Primary Schools



Councillor Mitchell moved that the following proposals be endorsed:-



(i)       that Highlander’s Academy Primary School be formally closed in June 2006;



(ii)      that Overton Primary School be formally closed in June 2006;



(iii)      that the pupils attending Highlander’s Academy and Overton Primary School transfer to a new school with a capacity of 495 to be built on the site of the former Hector McNeil baths;



(iv)     that the Highlander’s Academy and Overton Primary School buildings continue in use as annexes of the new school until completion of the new school;



(v)      that the delineated area of the new school be, from December 2005, the combined delineated areas of the existing Highlander’s Academy Primary School and Overton Primary School, as shown in Appendix 3 of the consultative document;



(vi)     that the association of the new school be remitted to the Cross Party Working Group for consideration;



(vii)     that the Gaelic Primary Unit and the Gaelic Pre-5 Unit in Highlander's Academy Primary School be relocated either to the new primary school or to alternative primary school accommodation;



(viii)    that the School Age Language Unit in Highlander’s Academy Primary School be relocated to alternative accommodation;



(ix)     that a submission be sent as soon as possible to the Scottish Ministers seeking consent for implementation of the proposals.



(x)      that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



As an amendment Councillor Robertson moved:-



(i)  that it be remitted to the Director of Education Services to draw up statutory  consultation documents for a new non-denominational primary school to replace Overton and Lady Alice Primary Schools; and



(ii)  that it be remitted to the Cross Party Working Group to determine the site for the new school in consultation with appropriate interested parties.



On a vote 4 Members voted for the amendment and 7 for the motion which was declared carried.  Those Members who had voted in favour of the amendment then requested in terms of the relevant Standing Order that the matter be referred to The Inverclyde Council for decision in terms of the amendment.



(I)       The Provision of Secondary Education in Inverclyde



Councillor Mitchell moved that the following proposals be endorsed:-



(i)       that Wellington Academy not close in June 2004;



(ii)      that the pupils currently attending King’s Glen Primary School, Lady Alice Primary School, Overton Primary School, Highlander’s Academy and Oakfield Primary School be associated with Wellington Academy from January 2004;



(iii)      that those pupils attending Highholm Primary School be associated with Port Glasgow High School from January 2004;



(iv)     that Wellington Academy formally close in June 2007;



(v)      that Wellington Academy and Greenock High School amalgamate from August 2007;



(vi)  that Wellington Academy building be retained as an annexe of the amalgamated school until completion of the new school;



(vii)  that the association of King’s Glen, Oakfield, Overton, Lady Alice and Highlander’s Academy Primary Schools be remitted to the Cross Party Working Group for consideration;



(viii)    that a new school replacing the amalgamated Wellington Academy/Greenock High School be designed and constructed for January 2008;



(ix)     that pupils attending the amalgamated Greenock High School/Wellington Academy transfer to the new school on its completion;



(x)      that the association of primary schools be remitted to the Cross Party Working Group for consideration;



(xi)     that a report and consultation document on the preferred site for a new secondary school be submitted to a future Committee;



(xii)     that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



As an amendment Councillor Robertson moved:-



(i)       that Wellington Academy not close in June 2004;



(ii)      that the pupils currently attending King’s Glen Primary School, Lady Alice Primary School, Overton Primary School, Highlander’s Academy and Oakfield Primary School be associated with Wellington Academy from January 2004;



(iii)      that those pupils attending Highholm Primary School be associated with Port Glasgow High School from January 2004;



(iv)  that the matter be remitted to the Cross Party Working Group for consideration.



On a vote 6 Members voted for the amendment and 8 for the motion which was declared carried.  Those Members who had voted in favour of the amendment then requested in terms of the relevant Standing Order that the matter be referred to The Inverclyde Council for decision in terms of the amendment.



(J)  The Provision of Denominational Primary Education across St Gabriel’s and Sacred Heart Primary Schools



Councillor Robertson moved:



(i)  that it be remitted to the Director of Education Services to draw up statutory consultation documents for a new denominational primary school to replace St Gabriel’s and Sacred Heart Primary Schools;



(ii)  that it be remitted to the Cross Party Working Group to determine the site for the new school in consultation with appropriate interested parties;



As an amendment, Councillor Mitchell moved that no action be taken as the proposal was premature.



On a vote 3 Members voted for the motion and 9 for the amendment which was declared carried.  Those Members who had voted in favour of the motion then requested in terms of the relevant Standing Order that the matter be referred to The Inverclyde Council for decision in terms of the motion.






Decisions Affecting All Schools




(1)      that the submissions and comments received from parents, school board members and other interested parties in response to the statutory consultation exercise be noted;



(2)      that the key themes and issues raised during the consultation process be noted;



(3)      that the final decisions be incorporated within the Council’s Estate Management Plan;



(4)  that the Head of Transportation & Roads Service submit a report to the Committee as soon as possible on proposals to ensure that there are safe routes to all new and refurbished schools;



(5)  that the Director of Education Services consult affected school boards on a proposed review of the current eligible distance for free transport for pupils moving to a new/different school and that a report thereon be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee;



(6)  that the Director of Education Services submit a report to a future meeting of the Committee outlining proposals to achieve an increase in teaching and support staff for all schools affected by the proposals;



(7)  that for the one year transitional period for affected schools, the school clothing grant payable to parents of  pupils affected by a change of school uniform be increased to £80;



(8)  that the Director of Education Services in consultation with other Officers submit a report providing indicative time frames for work to all schools which are to be refurbished/remodelled;



(9)  that where school closures and amalgamations are to be implemented, all receiving schools should be fully refurbished and all backlogs of repairs be completed prior to receiving pupils from closed schools.




(A)      The Provision of Denominational Primary Education in Port Glasgow







(i)       that St Francis Primary School not close in June 2004;



(ii)      that no new school be built in the grounds of St Stephen’s High School and that no new delineated area be established;



(iii)      that the decision that Holy Family Primary School be formally closed in June 2004 be reaffirmed and that the pupils transfer in August 2004 to St Francis and St Michael’s Primaries, dependent on delineated catchment areas;



(iv)     that the delineated area for St Michael’s Primary School be as shown in Appendix 3 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(v)      that the delineated area for St John’s Primary School be as shown in Appendix 4 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(vi)     that the delineated area for St Francis Primary School be as shown in Appendix 5 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(vii)     that it be reaffirmed that St Francis, St Michael’s and St John’s Primary Schools be associated with St Stephen’s High School;



(viii)    that Rainbow Family Centre be sustained within the area and that a report on its location be submitted to a future Committee;



(ix)     that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



(B)     The Provision of Non-Denominational Primary Education in Port Glasgow






(i)       that Clune Park Primary School not close in June 2004;



(ii)      that Highholm Primary School not close in June 2004;



(iii)      that no new school be built on a site at the lower end of Clune Brae and Glasgow Road and no delineated area be established;



(iv)     that Slaemuir Primary School not close in June 2004;



(v)      that the decision that Boglestone Primary School be formally closed in June 2004 be reaffirmed and that the pupils transfer to Slaemuir and Highholm Primary Schools dependent on delineated catchment areas;



(vi)     that the delineated area for Slaemuir Primary School be as shown in Appendix 3 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(vii)     that the delineated area for Highholm Primary School be as shown in Appendix 4 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(viii)    that no new school be built on the site adjacent to Boglestone Community Centre and no delineated area be established;



(ix)     that a new school be built on the site of the existing Boglestone Primary School;



(x)      that Slaemuir and Highholm Primary Schools be closed formally in June 2006;



(xi)     that the pupils attending Slaemuir and Highholm Primary Schools transfer to the new school with a capacity of 594 to be built on the existing Boglestone Primary School site;



(xii)     that Slaemuir and Highholm Primary School buildings continue in use as annexes of the new school until completion of the new school;



(xiii)    that the new primary school be associated with Port Glasgow High School;



(xiv)    that the delineated area for the new primary school replacing Boglestone, Slaemuir



and Highholm Primary Schools, be, from December 2005, as shown in Appendix 5 of the consultative document;



(xv)    that the delineated area for Clune Park Primary School be as shown in Appendix 6 of the consultative document;



(xvi)    that the pre-school education provision made at Slaemuir and Highholm Primary Schools be sustained in the new school and other pre-5 provision within the area;



(xvii)   that the position of Clune Park Primary School be reviewed in 5 years;



(xviii)  that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



(C)  The Provision of Denominational Primary Education in East Greenock






(i)       that St Kenneth’s Primary School not close in June 2004;



(ii)      that St. Laurence’s Primary School not close in June 2004;



(iii)      that no new school be built on the site in the area of Gilmour Street/Fairrie Street and that no delineated area be established;



(iv)     that the decision that St Mungo’s Primary School be formally closed in June 2004 be reaffirmed and that the pupils transfer to St Kenneth’s or St Laurence’s Primary Schools, dependent upon the delineated catchment area;



(v)      that the delineated area for St Kenneth’s Primary School be as shown in Appendix 3 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(vi)     that the delineated area for St Laurence’s Primary School be as shown in Appendix 4 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(vii)     that St Kenneth's Primary School and St Laurence’s Primary School be associated with Notre Dame High School, with the exception of those pupils residing in the areas hatched in black in Appendices 3 and 4 of the consultative document, who will continue to be associated with St Stephen's High School;



(viii)    that road safety measures on Bridgend Road at the railway bridge be introduced;



(ix)     that the Language and Communication Unit be relocated in alternative accommodation;



(x)      that St Mungo’s nursery class be relocated in alternative accommodation;



(xi)     that St Kenneth’s and St Laurence’s Primary Schools be closed formally in June 2006;



(xii)     that the pupils attending St Kenneth’s and St Laurence’s Primary Schools transfer to a new school with a capacity of 495 to be built on the site of the existing St Kenneth’s Primary School;



(xiii)    that the St Kenneth’s and St Laurence’s Primary School buildings continue in use as annexes of the new school until completion of the new school;



(xiv)    that the delineated area of the new school be the combined areas of the existing St Kenneth’s, St Laurence’s and St Mungo’s Primary Schools;



(xv)    that the new school be associated with Notre Dame High School, with the exception of those pupils residing in the areas hatched in black in Appendices 3 and 4 of the consultative document, who will continue to be associated with St Stephen’s High School;



(xvi)    that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.






(D)     The Provision of Non-Denominational Primary Education in East Greenock







(i)       that King’s Glen Primary School not close in June 2004;



(ii)      that Oakfield Primary School not close in June 2004;



(iii)      that no new school be built;



(iv)     that the delineated area for King’s Glen Primary School be as shown in Appendix 3 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(v)      that the delineated area for Oakfield Primary School be as shown in Appendix 4 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(vi)     that King’s Glen Primary School be formally closed in June 2005;



(vii)     that Oakfield Primary School be upgraded and extended;



(viii)    that pupils attending King’s Glen Primary School transfer to the upgraded and extended Oakfield Primary School in August 2005;



(ix)     that the delineated area for the extended Oakfield Primary School be as shown in Appendix 5 of the consultative document as from December 2004;



(x)      that the school associations be remitted to the Cross Party Working Group for consideration;



(xi)     that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



(E)     The Provision of Primary Education in Inverkip/Wemyss Bay






(i)       that Inverkip Primary School be extended by 2 classrooms;



(ii)      that Wemyss Bay Primary School be refurbished and remodelled including pre school education provision;



(iii)      that a review be undertaken within 3-5 years to establish the extent, nature and location of demand for denominational primary education in Wemyss Bay;



(iv)     that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



(F)      The Provision on Non-Denominational Primary Education across Springfield, Larkfield and Ravenscraig Primary Schools






(i)       that Springfield Primary School be closed formally in June 2004;



(ii)      that the pupils attending Springfield Primary School transfer to Larkfield Primary School;



(iii)      that the catchment areas for Larkfield and Ravenscraig Primary Schools be redelineated as shown in Appendices 3 and 4 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(iv)     that Larkfield Primary School be closed formally in June 2006;



(v)      that Ravenscraig Primary School be closed formally in June 2006;



(vi)     that the pupils attending Larkfield and Ravenscraig Primary Schools transfer to a new school with a capacity of 429 to be built on the site adjacent to the Aileymill Nursery between Auchmead Road and Cumberland Road;



(vii)     that the Ravenscraig and Larkfield Primary School buildings continue in use as annexes of the new school until completion of the new school;



(viii)    that the delineated area of the new school be the combined delineated areas of the existing Larkfield, Ravenscraig and Springfield Primary Schools, as shown in Appendix 2 of the consultative document;



(ix)     that the new school be associated with Greenock High School;



(x)      that a submission be sent as soon as possible to the Scottish Ministers seeking consent for implementation of the proposals;



(xi)     that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



(G)     The Provision of Denominational Primary Education across Holy Cross and St Joseph’s Primary Schools






(i)       that Holy Cross Primary School be closed formally in June 2004;



(ii)      that the pupils attending Holy Cross Primary School transfer to St Joseph’s Primary School in August 2004;



(iii)      that the delineated area for St Joseph’s Primary School be as shown in Appendix 3 of the consultative document from January 2004;



(iv)     that an extension comprising one classroom with support areas be built at St Joseph’s Primary School;



(v)      that the pre-school education provision at Holy Cross Primary School be sustained across Bluebird Children’s Centre and new early years provision in Lady Alice Primary School;



(vi)     that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



(H)     The Provision of Non Denominational Primary Education across Overton and Highlander’s Academy Primary Schools






(i)       that Highlander’s Academy Primary School be formally closed in June 2006;



(ii)      that Overton Primary School be formally closed in June 2006;



(iii)      that the pupils attending Highlander’s Academy and Overton Primary School transfer to a new school with a capacity of 495 to be built on the site of the former Hector McNeil baths;



(iv)     that the Highlander’s Academy and Overton Primary School buildings continue in use as annexes of the new school until completion of the new school;



(v)      that the delineated area of the new school be, from December 2005, the combined delineated areas of the existing Highlander’s Academy Primary School and Overton Primary School, as shown in Appendix 3 of the consultative document;



(vi)     that the association of the new school be remitted to the Cross Party Working Group for consideration;



(vii)     that the Gaelic Primary Unit and the Gaelic Pre-5 Unit in Highlander's Academy Primary School be relocated either to the new primary school or to alternative primary school accommodation;



(viii)    that the School Age Language Unit in Highlander’s Academy Primary School be relocated to alternative accommodation;



(ix)     that a submission be sent as soon as possible to the Scottish Ministers seeking consent for implementation of the proposals.



(x)      that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



(I)       The Provision of Secondary Education in Inverclyde






(i)       that Wellington Academy not close in June 2004;



(ii)      that the pupils currently attending King’s Glen Primary School, Lady Alice Primary School, Overton Primary School, Highlander’s Academy and Oakfield Primary School be associated with Wellington Academy from January 2004;



(iii)      that those pupils attending Highholm Primary School be associated with Port Glasgow High School from January 2004;



(iv)     that Wellington Academy formally close in June 2007;



(v)      that Wellington Academy and Greenock High School amalgamate from August 2007;



(vi)  that Wellington Academy building be retained as an annexe of the amalgamated school until completion of the new school;



(vii)  that the association of King’s Glen, Oakfield, Overton, Lady Alice and Highlander’s Academy Primary Schools be remitted to the Cross Party Working Group for consideration;



(viii)    that a new school replacing the amalgamated Wellington Academy/Greenock High School be designed and constructed for January 2008;



(ix)     that pupils attending the amalgamated Greenock High School/Wellington Academy transfer to the new school on its completion;



(x)      that the association of primary schools be remitted to the Cross Party Working Group for consideration;



(xi)     that a report and consultation document on the preferred site for a new secondary school be submitted to a future Committee;



(xii)     that to support the implementation of the proposals, approval be given to the provision of additional teaching and support staff throughout the transition period.



(J)  The Provision of Denominational Primary Education across St Gabriel’s and Sacred Heart Primary Schools



Decided:  that no action be taken as the proposal is premature.



The Convener being of the opinion that the undernoted report by the Director of Finance was relevant competent and urgent moved its consideration to allow the Committee to be advised of the financial implications of the Education Asset Management Strategy at the earliest opportunity.  This was unanimously agreed in terms of the relevant Standing Order.






There was submitted a report dated 16 January 2004 by the Director of Finance (1) on the financial implications resulting from the Education Asset Management Strategy and (2) setting out the circumstances under which further Committee approvals will be required.






(1)      that it be noted (a) that should the recommendations contained within the report by the Director of Education Services entitled “Future Provision of Education in Inverclyde:  Results of Consultation” be approved and the Education Working Group report back within its remit in February 2004, the financial implications have already been approved by the Council and (b) therefore agreed the relevant tenders are to be progressed by the issue of tenders and the acceptance of the lowest or most economically advantageous tenders through delegated authority where costs which are contained within the approved budget, in line with the Council’s financial regulations;  and



(2)      that it be noted that where decisions resulting from the report by the Director of Education Services and/or the Education Working Group report in February indicate that the financial model requires additional funds, there will be a requirement for a further report to be presented to a future meeting of the Policy & Strategy Committee in order to consider the financial implications.


