Economic Regeneration
Committee Tuesday 10 June 2003 at
3.00 pm |
Present: Councillors
Blair, Forbes, Fyfe, Hill, McCormick (P), McKenzie, Mitchell, Roach, Snoddy
and Stewart. |
Councillor Fyfe presided. |
Chief Executive, Depute Chief Executive, Miss M McKnight (for Director
of Legal & Support Services), Mr J Aird (for Director of Finance), Head
of Economic Development Service, Mr F Macleod (for Head of Planning
Services), Head of Property Services and Head of Transportation and Roads
Service. |
The following paragraphs are submitted for information only, having been dealt with under the powers delegated to the Committee. |
448 |
Regional Policy and European Funding |
448 |
There was submitted a report by the Depute Chief Executive (1) on European Structural Funds after 2006 and (2) appending for consideration a draft response to the Department of Trade and Industry and Scottish Executive consultation document "A Modern Regional Policy for the United Kingdom" produced in the context of the future reform of the Structural Fund Programmes post European Union enlargement. |
Decided: (1) that the draft response to the consultation
paper "A Modern Regional Policy for the United Kingdom" appended to
the report be approved; and (2) that ongoing dialogue between Council
Officers and external organisations such as the West of Scotland European
Consortium, Scottish Local Authorities Economic Development Group and the
Alliance for Regional Aid to formulate a broader local authority response be
supported. |
449 |
Economic Development Strategy 2003 - 2007 |
449 |
There was submitted a report by the Depute Chief Executive seeking approval of the Economic Development Strategy 2003 - 2007, copies of which had been circulated. |
Decided: (1) that, subject to adjustment of the
unemployment statistics to reflect similar timescales, the strategic
direction set out in the Economic Strategy 2003 - 2007 be approved; (2) that approval be given to the Economic
Development Service to develop service plan activity around the key
priorities of competitive location, business development, skills and learning
and inclusion; (3) that the Head of Economic Development
Service report the outputs from activities identified in the action plan to
the Committee on a six monthly basis;
and (4) that the Depute Chief Executive pursue
resource allocations through the Council's Capital Programme, partnership
contributions and European Structural Funds for the delivery of projects
developed in support of the Strategy. |
450 |
Scottish Planning Policy and Planning Advice on Housing |
450 |
There was submitted a report dated 29 May 2003 by the Depute Chief Executive on the publication of Scottish Planning Policy 3: Planning for Housing and the accompanying documents A Regulatory Impact Assessment for Scottish Planning Policy 3, Planning Advice Note 38: Housing Land and Planning Advice Note 67: Housing Quality. |
Decided: (1) that the Committee welcome the publication
of Scottish Planning Policy 3:
Planning for Housing and the accompanying documents A Regulatory Impact Assessment for Scottish
Planning Policy 3, Planning Advice Note 38:
Housing Land and Planning Advice Note 67: Housing Quality; and (2) that the Committee note the key issues
raised, which will form material considerations in making future planning
decisions, which are adequately incorporated in the Inverclyde Local
Plan: First Review, Final Draft
(2002). |
451 |
Scottish Planning Policy 7: Planning and Flooding (Consultation Draft) |
451 |
There was submitted a report dated June 2003 by the Depute Chief Executive on the consultation draft of Scottish Planning Policy 7: Planning and Flooding. |
Decided: that the
comments on the consultation draft of Scottish Planning Policy 7: Planning and Flooding contained in Section
4 of the report be endorsed and that it be remitted to the Head of Planning
Services to forward these to the Scottish Executive. |
452 |
Draft Scottish Outdoor Access Code (SOAC) |
452 |
There was submitted a report by the Depute Chief Executive (1) on the publication of the draft Scottish Outdoor Access Code consultation document and (2) outlining new duties and powers placed on local authorities in terms of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003. |
Decided: that the
Council advise Scottish Natural Heritage of its support for the Draft
Scottish Outdoor Access Code and the aims and objectives contained therein.
453 |
Inverclyde Local Plan: First Review, Final Draft 2002 - Update on Progress and the Local Plan Inquiry |
453 |
There was submitted a report dated 30 May 2003 by the Depute Chief Executive (1) on the anticipated timetable for the Inverclyde Local Plan: First Review through to the Public Inquiry stage and (2) advising of the requirement to appoint a Programme Officer to administer the process, together with the financial implications of the appointment and the Local Plan Inquiry. |
Decided: (1) that the anticipated revised timetable for
publicising the Proposed Modifications to the Local Plan be noted; (2) that the indicative date of March 2004 from
the Scottish Executive's Inquiry Reporter's Unit for the Inverclyde Local
Plan Public Inquiry be noted; (3) that the appointment of a Programme
Officer, for the reasons outlined in the report, be endorsed and that it be
noted that efforts will be made to contain the associated costs within the
overall Committee budget; and (4) that the indicative costs of holding the Public Local Inquiry be noted, with fuller details being the subject of a further report to the Committee. |
454 |
Naming - Housing Development at Weir Street/Leitch Street, Greenock |
454 |
There was submitted a report dated 21 May 2003 by the Depute Chief Executive on the proposed naming of streets within the housing development at Weir Street/Leitch Street, Greenock. |
Decided: that the
names suggested in the report be not adopted and that, subject to approval by
the Convener and the Ward Councillor, the four streets be named in accordance with the four most
recently built ships by The Clan Line whose names do not conflict with
existing street names in the area. |
455 |
Central Gourock Redevelopment Working Group |
455 |
There was submitted a report dated 13 May 2003 by the Director of Legal and Support Services requesting the Committee to appoint Members to the Central Gourock Redevelopment Working Group. |
Decided: that
Councillors Roach, McCormick (P), White, Hunter and Forbes be appointed to
the Central Gourock Redevelopment Working Group, with the Leader and Depute
Leader of the Council being invited to meetings for their information. |
456 |
Urban Waterfront Regeneration Zone Working Group |
456 |
There was submitted a report dated 13 May 2003 by the Director of Legal and Support Services requesting the Committee to appoint Members to the Clyde Urban Waterfront Regeneration Zone Working Group. |
Decided: that the
four Councillors representing Port Glasgow and Councillor Fyfe, Convener of
the Committee, be appointed to the Clyde Urban Waterfront Regeneration Zone
Working Group, with Councillor Hill (Depute Leader) as Chair. |
457 |
Road Safety Unit Progress Report October 2002 to March 2003 |
457 |
There was submitted a report dated 23 May 2003 by
the Depute Chief Executive on the work undertaken by the Road Safety Unit
relative to schools' activities, cycling, publicity, schools' working group,
liaison activities, the West of Scotland Road Safety Forum, school crossing
patrols and kerbcraft training during the period October 2002 to March 2003. Noted |
458 |
Safety Awareness Day |
458 |
There was submitted a report dated 23 May 2003 by
the Depute Chief Executive advising of the road safety awareness day to be
held on 17 August 2003 in the Comet Car Park, Port Glasgow. Noted |
459 |
Minute of
Meeting of Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority |
459 |
There was submitted minute of meeting of the
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority of 7 February 2003. Noted |
It was
agreed in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act
1973 as amended that the public and press be excluded from the meeting for
the following item on the grounds that the business involved the likely
disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 13 of Part I of
Schedule 7(A) of the Act. |
460 |
Provisional Tree Preservation Order |
460 |
There was submitted a report dated 22 March 2003
by the Depute Chief Executive on proposals relative to the making of a
provisional Tree Preservation Order and the Committee agreed to recommend to
The Inverclyde Council the making of a provisional Tree Preservation Order at
the area detailed in the report, all as detailed in the Appendix. |