Economic Development Services
Committee Tuesday 2 October 2001 at 3.00 pm |
Present: Provost Roach, Councillors Blair, Campbell, Hill, Jackson, McCormick and McGhee. |
Chair: Councillor McGhee presided. |
In attendance: Depute Chief Executive, Miss M McKnight (for Director of Legal & Support Services), Mr J Aird (for Director of Finance Services), Head of Economic Development Service, Head of Planning Services, Head of Property Services and Head of Transportation and Roads Service. |
Apologies: Councillors Calvert, Morrison (M) and Robertson (Y). |
The following paragraphs are submitted for information only, having
been dealt with under the powers delegated to the Committee. |
859 |
Revenue Monitoring Report - Period 5 |
859 |
There was submitted a report dated 13 September 2001 by the Director of Finance Services on the position of the Revenue Budget 2001/2002 as at Period 5 (22 August 2001). Noted |
860 |
Capital Programme
2001/2002 - Technical Progress:
Transportation & Roads |
860 |
There was submitted a report dated 12 September 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive on the position of the Capital Programme 2001/2002. Noted |
861 |
Capital Programme
2001/02 - 2003/04 - Financial Position |
861 |
There was submitted a report dated 13 September 2001 by the Director of Finance Services on the position of the Capital Programme 2001/02 - 2003/04. Noted |
862 |
Developments - Changes in Planning Legislation and National Planning Policy
Guidelines |
862 |
There was submitted a report dated 19 September 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive commenting on the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2001 which amends Class 67 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1992 with regard to the permitted development rights available to telecommunication code system operators, National Planning P>olicy Guideline 19: Radio Telecommunications and Planning Advice Note 62: Radio Telecommunications. Noted |
863 |
Business Store
Inverclyde (Integrated Business Centre) |
863 |
There was submitted a report dated 13 September 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive on the activities carried out within the Business Store Inverclyde which opened to the public on 12 February 2001. Noted |
864 |
Maintenance - Procedures and Resources
Document (2001/2002) |
864 |
There was submitted a report dated 20 September 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive requesting the Committee to approve the Winter Maintenance Procedures and Resources Document 2001/2002, a copy of which was appended to the report. Decided: (1) that the Winter Maintenance Procedures and Resources Document 2001/2002 be approved; (2) that approval be given to the distribution as detailed in Appendix D of the Procedures and Resources Document; and (3) that it be remitted to the Head of Transportation and Roads Service to update and issue the document on an annual basis subject to there being no significant change to the overall policy. |
865 |
Road Adoptions |
865 |
There was submitted a report dated 13 September 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive advising of additions to Inverclyde's list of public roads in accordance with the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984. Noted |
866 |
Greenock Town
Centre Parking Strategy Additional
Possible Experimental On-Road Location |
866 |
There was submitted a report dated 12 September 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive seeking approval to introduce charges to an additional possible experimental on-road location within Greenock Town Centre. Decided: that approval be given to the introduction of charged on-road parking within Wallace Place, Greenock. |
867 |
Time Trek |
867 |
There was submitted a report dated 24 September 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive (1) providing detailed information on the outcome of the Time Trek exhibition which opened on 26 July 2001 to complement the visit by Seatrek 2001 and (2) requesting the Committee to give consideration to continuation of the Time Trek project.± Decided: (1) that, subject to the availability of funding, approval be given to continuation of the Time Trek project in its current location with a member of staff being seconded to the project for a six month period, the interactive database to be developed through Information Services; and (2) that the Policy and Strategy Committee be requested to make provision of £20,000 within the Economic Development Services Revenue Budget for the costs associated with continuation of the project. |
868 |
East India
Harbour |
868 |
It was noted that this item had been withdrawn from the Agenda. |
It was agreed in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government
(Scotland) Act 1973 as amended that the public and press be excluded from the
meeting for the following items on the grounds that the business involved the
likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the respective
paragraphs of Part I of Schedule 7(A) of the Act as are set opposite each
item. |
Item Paragraph(s) Award of the Contract for Earnhill Road Flood Prevention 6 and 8 Scheme - Use of Emergency Powers Procedure DLO/DSO Revenue Monitoring Report - Period 5 8 |
869 |
Award of the Contract for Earnhill Road Flood Prevention Scheme - Use
of Emergency Powers Procedure |
869 |
There was submitted a report dated 19 September 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive advising of the use of the emergency powers procedure under Standing Order 66(a) to accept the lowest tender received for the Earnhill Road flood prevention scheme that by JRB Construction Ltd in the sum of £213,312.38. Noted |
870 |
DLO/DSO Revenue
Monitoring Report - Period 5 |
870 |
There was submitted a report dated 13 September 2001 by the Director of Finance Services on the position of the Revenue Budget 2001/2002 as at Period 5 (22 August 2001). Noted |