Economic Development Services Committee


Tuesday 29 May 2001 at 3.00 pm



Present:  Provost Roach, Councillors Blair, Calvert, Campbell, Jackson, McCormick, McGhee and Morrison (M).



Chair:  Councillor McGhee presided. 



In attendance:  Depute Chief Executive, Miss M McKnight (for Director of Legal & Support Services), Mr J Aird (for Head of Accountancy Services), Head of Economic Development Service, Head of Planning Services, Head of Property Services and Head of Transportation and Roads Service.



Apologies:  Councillors Moody, O’Rourke and Robertson (Y).



The following paragraphs are submitted for information only, having been dealt with under the powers delegated to the Committee.



Capital Programme 2001/2002 - Technical Progress : Transportation & Roads



There was submitted a report dated 18 May 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive on the  technical progress of the Capital Programme 2001/2002.

(Provost Roach entered the meeting during consideration of this item of business).




Capital Programme 2001/02 - 2003/04 - Financial Position



There was submitted a report dated 16 May 2001 by the Head of Accountancy Services on the financial position of the Capital Programme 2001/02 - 2003/04.




St Mary’s Church, Patrick Street, Greenock - Request for Financial Assistance



There was submitted a report dated 17 May 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive on a request from St Mary’s Church that the Council consider providing financial assistance towards the cost of repair work to the Church.




(1)  that it be agreed to provide a contribution of £2,300 from the Historic Buildings Fund towards the cost of repair work to St Mary’s Church;



(2)  that the Policy & Strategy Committee be requested to consider providing £7,700 to make a total Council contribution of £10,000;  and



(3)  that it be remitted to the Head of Planning Services to write to the Scottish Executive regarding the numerous requests being made to local authorities for financial assistance towards the retention of listed church buildings and requesting that consideration be given to the introduction jby it of a national sustainable policy to assist local authorities in responding to such requests.



Kelburn Development Area



There was submitted a report dated 10 May 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive (1) on the current position in respect of the creation of development platforms at Kelburn and (2) detailing the spend profile and funding arrangements for the project.




(1)  that the Committee note and approve the contribution from Scottish Enterprise Renfrewshire and the anticipated contribution from Europe; and



(2)  that the Committee note and approve the spend profile for the project and that delegated authority be granted in the usual manner for acceptance of  the successful tender for Phase I of the works.



Events 2001 Update



There was submitted a report by the Depute Chief Executive on the progress of the programme of events with particular reference to the bid for the Royal National Mod.






Glasgow and Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2000 - The Approval Process on the Final Draft Plan



There was submitted a report dated 1 May 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive (1) advising of the publication of Draft Modifications to the Plan in February 2001 and commenting thereon and (2) advising of a Petition lodged on behalf of the Scottish Housebuilders Association seeking a judicial review of the action of the Scottish Ministers in failing to call an Examination in Public into the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan and on the potential implications of this on the timescales for approval of the Plan.




(1)  that the contents of the report and the potential implications of a successful legal challenge by the Scottish Housebuilders Association on the approval date for the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2000 be noted; and



(2)  that the Head of Planning Services keep the Committee informed of developments following the Hearing at the Court of Session scheduled for 1 June 2001 and report with details of  the implications of reinstatement of a rail link to Bridge of Weir and Kilmacolm.



Inverclyde Local Plan : First Review - Final Draft

Inverkip Power Station



There was submitted a report by the Depute Chief Executive informing the Committee of Scottish Power’s decision to consider the potential to decommission Inverkip Power Station and to review its commercial and operational status and the future of the Inverkip site.  The report (1) outlined potential future uses of the site and referred to two possible development options #which would require consideration should Scottish Power decommission the existing power plant;  (2) advised of the implications of including the site as a Special Development Area in the Inverclyde Local Plan First Review - Final Draft; and (3) commented on the potential development of the site in terms of a proposed Development Strategy for the Local Plan and an associated Masterplan, particularly in relation to the scale of housing provision, and possible timescales.




(1)  that the Committee endorse, in principle, the inclusion of a Special Development Area for the Inverkip Power Station site in the forthcoming Inverclyde Local Plan: First

Review - Final Draft for consideration of the two possible scenarios for the future use of the site as outlined in the report; and



(2)  that discussions continue to be held between the Head of Planning Services and Scottish Power, and other relevant Council Services and partners, on a development strategy/masterplan concept for this Special Area, as outlined in the report, ahead of any inclusion in the Final Draft of the Local Plan.



Street Naming



There was submitted a report dated 10 May 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive on the proposed naming of a terrace between Mearns Street and Trafalgar Street, Greenock. 



Decided:  that the name Mearns Terrace be adopted as shown in the plan appended to the report.



Street Naming



There was submitted a report dated 10 May 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive on the proposed naming of a housing development at Old Inverkip Road, Greenock. 



Decided:  that the name Harrier Way be adopted as shown in the plan appended to the report.



Proposed Stopping-Up of Road : East Blackhall Street, Greenock



There was submitted a report dated 2 April 2001 by the Director of Legal & Support Services advising that, following the decision of the Planning & Traffic Management Sub-Committee at the meeting held on 2 August 2000 (Para 656(d)) to instigate the stopping-up procedure for East Blackhall Street, Greenock in terms of the Town & Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, no objections had been received following advertisement of the proposals.



Decided:  that the Stopping-Up of Roads (Inverclyde) (East Blackhall Street, Greenock) Order 2001 be confirmed and that the Director of Legal & Support Services be authorised to take all necessary action in connection with the Order.



Roadside Trees



There was submitted a report dated 18 May 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive (1) on the results of a comprehensive survey of trees within the road boundary and (T2) suggesting options for future maintenance, together with details of the financial implications.




(1)  that it be agreed to continue the current policy whereby the Transportation & Roads Service  carries out minimal works to address immediate safety issues;



(2)  that it be recommended to the Policy & Strategy Committee as a bid through the budget process for 2002/2003 that comprehensive funding be made available for future maintenance;  and



(3)  that it be remitted to the Head of Transportation & Roads Service to investigate grant aided financial assistance.



Greenock Town Centre Parking Strategy



There was submitted a report dated 18 May 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive (1) on the outcome of investigations into parking problems in Greenock town centre and (2) recommending the introduction of a charged parking strategy within Greenock town centre on a phased basis, Phase 1 being a pilot project comprising a number of car parks in the inner zone, and providing indicative financial information.




(1)  that the introduction of a charged on road and off road parking strategy within Greenock town centre inner and outer zones on a phased basis be approved, the phasing and level of parking charges to be the subject of further reports to be submitted to the Committee for approval;



(2)  that approval be given to Phase 1 of the charged parking strategy to be introduced to the off road car parks detailed in the report on a trial basis for a period of at least one year, with further reports being submitted to the Committee detailing (a) suitable car parks and possible experimental areas for on road charging and (b) the financial and resource implications; and



(3)  that approval be given to the setting up of a Working/Consultation Group, as the initial stage of Phase 2 of the charged parking strategy, to consider the introduction of the charged parking strategy to the remaining areas of the inner and outer zones, to be the subject of ongoing reports to Committee.



Minute of Meeting of Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority



There was submitted minute of meeting of the Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority of 2 February 2001.




It was agreed in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 as amended that the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that the business involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 6 & 8 of Part I of Schedule 7(A) of the Act.



Final Design of the National Cycle Route N75 - Permission to Negotiate with Sole Consultant



There was submitted a report dated 16 May 2001 by the Depute Chief Executive seeking permission to negotiate with a sole consultant to undertake the final design of a section of the national cycle route N75.



Decided:  that approval be given to negotiate with the consultant detailed in the report for the final design of the outstanding section of the national cycle route N75.