Corporate Business Committee


Thursday 5 September 2002 at 3.00 pm



Present:  Provost Roach, Councillors Hill, Hunter, Jackson, McCormick, Nimmo, O'Rourke, Robertson (Y) and White.



Chair:  Councillor Robertson (Y) presided.



In attendance:  Depute Chief Executive, Director of Community & Protective Services, Director of Finance, Mr H McNeilly (for Director of Legal & Support Services), Head of Personnel Services, Head of Planning Services, Head of Property Services, Head of Environmental & Consumer Services and Mr A McNeilly (Acting Head of Information Technology).



Apologies:  Councillor Morrison (M).



With the exception of the decision marked "C" which is open for confirmation or otherwise, the following paragraphs are submitted for information only, having been dealt with under the powers delegated to the Committee.



CoSLA - Scottish Office Joint Staffing Watches:  March 2002 and June 2002



There was submitted a report dated 23 July 2002 by the Head of Personnel Services advising the Committee of the workforce profile of Inverclyde Council as at 9 March and 8 June 2002 respectively.  (Provost Roach entered the meeting during consideration of this item of business).






Christmas and New Year Holidays 2002



There was submitted a report dated 13 August 2002 by the Head of Personnel Services recommending arrangements for the 2002 Christmas and New Year holidays.



Decided:  that the Committee approve the proposals outlined in paragraph 3.1 of the report.



Community and Protective Services:  Dog Warden Service



There was submitted a report dated 23 July 2002 by the Head of Personnel Services recommending the establishment of a post of Dog Warden.  The report advised that the cost of the proposal was £14,450 including employers' costs and could be met from the termination of the Dog Warden Scheme tender.



Decided:  that the Committee approve the establishment of one post of Dog Warden on salary grade SCP10-13 (£12,296-£13,124).



Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000



There was submitted a report dated 12 August 2002 by the Head of Personnel Services advising the Committee of the requirements placed on the Council by the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000.






Corporate Health and Safety Policy



There was submitted a report dated 14 August 2002 by the Head of Personnel Services recommending adoption of the recently reviewed Corporate Health and Safety Policy.



(1)   that the Committee approve in principle the revised Corporate Health & Safety Policy and remit approval of the final Policy by the Corporate Management Team;  and

(2)   that the Committee agree to support the Policy through active promotion of health and safety issues.



Managing Attendance:  Absence Statistics - 1 April to 30 June 2002 (2nd Period)



There was submitted a report dated 15 August 2002 by the Head of Personnel Services advising the Committee of the Council's absence statistics for the period 1 April to 30 June 2002.






Stanley Spencer - Permanent Display in Port Glasgow Town Buildings:

Request from Councillor Hill



There was submitted a report dated 12 August 2002 by the Director of Legal & Support Services on a request received from Councillor Hill to have a permanent exhibition of Stanley Spencer's work displayed in the Port Glasgow Town Buildings.



Decided:  that it be remitted to the Depute Chief Executive to report back on the implications of the proposed display in relation to the existing visitor attraction opportunities for Inverclyde and on the developing of any suitable proposals for the use of Port Glasgow Town Buildings for this or other possible uses and to investigate potential funding sources.



Ardgowan Primary School - Roof Repairs:  Use of Emergency Powers Procedure



There was submitted a report dated August 2002 by the Depute Chief Executive advising of the use of the emergency powers procedure under Standing Order 66(a) to accept the lowest tender submitted for the roof repair works at Ardgowan Primary School, that by R F Watters in the sum of £20,307.63.






Capital Programme 2002/03 to 2003/04 - Progress



There was submitted a report dated 15 August 2002 by the Depute Chief Executive on the progress of the Capital Programme 2002/03 to 2003/04.




(1)   that the contents of the report be noted;  and

(2)   that the Committee note a projected overspend of £27,000 which is being investigated by officers from IT and Finance Services and that appropriate action be taken to contain the expenditure within the overall approved budget.



Business Process Re-engineering - Corporate Procurement:

Use of Emergency Powers Procedure



There was submitted a report dated 7 August 2002 by the Director of Finance advising of the use of the emergency powers procedure under Standing Order 66(a) in respect of the procurement method for conducting a business process re-engineering exercise for Corporate Procurement.






Revenue Section Performance to 30 June 2002



There was submitted a report dated 1 August 2002 by the Director of Finance advising the Committee on the Council Tax and Non-Domestic Rates performance for the first quarter of the year and highlighting other relevant issues.




(1)   that the Committee note the continuing improvement in Council Tax collection and the measures taken to ensure that improvement is maintained;

(2)   that the Committee note the potential impact of the new Debt Collection legislation;

(3)   that the Committee extend its congratulations to the Revenue Section and the Corporate Communications Team on their success in the Direct Debit challenge;  and

(4)   that the report be otherwise noted.



Treasury Management - Annual Report 2001/02



There was submitted a report dated 5 August 2002 by the Director of Finance providing details of the Council's Treasury Policy Statement for 2001/02 as required under Treasury Management Practice Statement 6, 6.3.






Treasury Management - Monitoring Report 2002/03 Q1



There was submitted a report dated 30 June 2002 by the Director of Finance advising the Committee on matters relating to the Treasury Management Function.



Decided:  that the quarterly Monitoring Report to 30 June 2002 on the Treasury Management Function be noted.



Creditor Payments Policy



There was submitted a report dated 1 August 2002 by the Director of Finance (1) requesting the Committee to approve the Council's Creditor Payments Policy and (2) advising the Committee on the impact of the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2002.




(1)   that the Committee approve the Creditor Payments Policy as set out in Appendix 1 to the report;

(2)   that the Committee note the potential impact of late payments on the Council's finances;  and

(3)   that it be remitted to the Director of Finance in consultation with the Director of Legal & Support Services to determine the circumstances where there will be an interest charge for late payment.



Revenue Budget 2002/03 - Period 4



There was submitted a report dated 20 August 2002 by the Director of Finance on the position of the Revenue Budget as at Period 4 (24 July 2002).




(1)   that the current position of the 2002/03 Revenue Budget be noted;  and

(2)   that the virement totalling £35,000 within Finance Services, as detailed in the report, be approved.



22/26 Kempock Street, Gourock



There was submitted a report dated 21 August 2002 by the Director of Community & Protective Services advising (1) that the properties at 22/26 Kempock Street, Gourock have been served with Repairs Notices in terms of Section 82 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, (2) that it had been remitted to the Head of Property Services to obtain tenders for the necessary work, and (3) that it be remitted to the Head of Environmental & Consumer Services to recover costs.



Decided:  that the Committee note the current position with the property.



Lease of Foreshore, Ashton Road, Gourock - Gourock Outdoor Pool



It was noted that this item had been withdrawn from the Agenda.



The Convener, being of the opinion that the undernoted report by the Director of Finance was relevant, competent and urgent, moved its consideration to notify the Committee of an increase in insurance costs at the earliest opportunity.  This was unanimously agreed in terms of the relevant Standing Order.



Review of Insurance Premium




There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance on the budgetary impact of a review of insurance premiums by the Council's Insurers, Zurich Municipal. 





(1)   that the Committee note the significant increase in insurance costs;

(2)   that the Committee agree to the review of the Council's Insurance Policy and that the costs incurred in this exercise be charged to the Insurance Fund;  and

(3)   that the report be remitted to the Policy & Strategy Committee for consideration of the 2002/2003 budgetary implications.



It was agreed in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 as amended that the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that the business involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the respective paragraphs of Part I of Schedule 7(A) of the Act as are set opposite each item.





Premises at Lynedoch Industrial Estate, Greenock - Funding Request

2, 6 & 9

Land at Drumshantie Road, Gourock - Proposed Lease of Land

2, 6 & 9

Standing Restricted List of Contractors


Tender for Professional Services - Quantity Surveying:

Use of Emergency Powers Procedure


Library Learning Centres:  Furniture Procurement

6 & 8

Library Learning Centres:  Booking Systems

6 & 8

Victoria House - Phase II Appointment of Consultants

Use of Emergency Powers Procedure


Pottery Street Development Area - Appointment of Consultants:

Use of Emergency Powers Procedure


Premises at Dubbs Road, Port Glasgow - Variation of Lease

2, 6 & 9

Lease of Premises at Lynedoch Industrial Estate

2, 6 & 9

Rankin Park, Greenock

6 & 9

Tender for Professional Services - Quantity Surveying Services (Group 2)




Premises at Lynedoch Industrial Estate, Greenock - Funding Request



There was submitted a report dated August 2002 by the Depute Chief Executive seeking approval to carry out essential repairs to a factory unit at 31 Lynedoch Industrial Estate in advance of an incoming tenant, at an estimated cost of £25,000.




(1)   that the works to the premises at 31 Lynedoch Industrial Estate be undertaken in advance of the dilapidations funding being available and that these works be set against the approved budget for essential large maintenance until the dilapidations funding is received; and

(2)   that should sufficient funding not be recovered from the outgoing tenant then it be remitted to the Head of Property Services to make the necessary savings from the essential large maintenance programme.



Land at Drumshantie Road, Gourock - Proposed Ground Lease to Gourock Scout Group



There was submitted a report dated 3 September 2002 by the Depute Chief Executive seeking approval to lease to Gourock Scout Group land at Drumshantie Road, Gourock, to be utilised as the site of a Scout meeting hall and parking area including additional amenity land, for a period of 25 years.



Decided:  that the Committee agree to lease the subjects at Drumshantie Road, Gourock to Gourock Scout Group on the terms as detailed in the report, subject to an initial rental of £2,750 to be met on a cost neutral basis by reference to the Voluntary Organisations Grants Fund.



Standing Restricted List of Contractors



There was submitted a report dated 5 August 2002 by the Director of Legal & Support Services advising the Committee on the progress made with regard to the Council's Standing Restricted List of Contractors.




(1)   that the contents of the report be noted;  and

(2)   that authority continue to be delegated to the Director of Legal & Support Services in the usual manner to add companies to the list.



Tender for Professional Services - Quantity Surveying:

Use of Emergency Powers Procedure



There was submitted a report dated 9 August 2002 by the Director of Legal & Support Services advising of the use of the emergency powers procedure under Standing Order 66(a) to homologate the issue of tenders to consultants selected by the Head of Property Services for the appointment of quantity surveying services for various projects.






Library Learning Centres:  Furniture Procurement



There was submitted a report by the Director of Community & Protective Services advising the Committee of the progress to date of the procurement process for acquiring furniture for the People's Network Project and seeking approval to appoint a supplier of furniture for Library Learning Centres.




(1)   that the Committee homologate the invitation of quotations from the specialist suppliers in terms of the Council's Standing Orders Relating to Contracts;  and

(2)   that authority be granted to appoint A F G Matthews as the supplier of furniture for the Library Learning Centres at a revised estimated cost of £39,840.



Library Learning Centres:  Booking Systems



There was submitted a report by the Director of Community & Protective Services advising the Committee of the progress to date of the procurement process for acquiring an automated booking system for the People's Network Project and seeking approval to appoint a supplier of an electronic booking system for Library Learning Centres.




(1)   that the Committee homologate the issue of quotations from the specialist suppliers in terms of the Council's Standing Orders Relating to Contracts;  and

(2)   that authority be granted to appoint Netloan as the supplier of an electronic booking system for the Library Learning Centres at an estimated cost of £16,163, including installation and training.



Victoria House - Phase II Appointment of Consultants:

Use of Emergency Powers Procedure



There was submitted a report dated 16 August 2002 by the Depute Chief Executive advising of the use of the emergency powers procedure under Standing Order 66(a) to authorise the issue of tenders to consultants selected by him to undertake the design and fulfilment of statutory requirements for the project management for Victoria House - Phase II.






Pottery Street Development Area - Appointment of Consultants:

Use of Emergency Powers Procedure



There was submitted a report by the Depute Chief Executive advising of the use of the emergency powers procedure under Standing Order 66(a) to homologate the issue of tenders to consultants selected by him for the Pottery Street Development Area Project.






Premises at 48/54 Dubbs Road, Port Glasgow - Variation to Shop Conversion



There was submitted a report dated August 2002 by the Depute Chief Executive advising the Committee of a revised proposal for the conversion of the premises at 48/54 Dubbs Road, Port Glasgow and seeking approval for the proposed amendment.



Decided:  that the Committee note the variation to Ladbrokes Ltd proposals and that consent be confirmed to extend the premises forming 48/54 Dubbs Road, Port Glasgow for a period of fifteen years at a rental of £14,750 per annum, subject to five-yearly rent reviews.



Lease of Premises at Lynedoch Industrial Estate, Greenock



There was submitted a report dated August 2002 by the Depute Chief Executive on a proposed lease of premises at 31 Lynedoch Industrial Estate to Inverstore Ltd.



Decided:  that approval be given to grant a lease of factory premises at Unit 31, Lynedoch Industrial Estate, Greenock to Inverstore Ltd for a period of five years on the terms as outlined in the report and that the position with regard to the upper floor offices be noted.


The meeting was adjourned from 4.15 pm until 4.20 pm.



Rankin Park, Greenock




There was submitted a report dated 23 July 2002 by the Depute Chief Executive seeking the views of the Committee on development proposals lodged by Buckingham Properties Ltd for Rankin Park, Greenock and following a vote the Committee agreed to continue consideration to allow further discussions with the developers, all as detailed in the Appendix.




The Convener, being of the opinion that the undernoted report by the Director of Legal & Support Services was relevant, competent and urgent, moved its consideration to request the Committee to homologate the issue of tenders at the earliest opportunity.  This was unanimously agreed in terms of the relevant Standing Order.



Tender for Professional Services - Quantity Surveying Services:  Various Projects (Group 2)



There was submitted a report dated 2 September 2002 by the Director of Legal & Support Services requesting the Committee to homologate the issue of tenders to consultants selected by the Head of Property Services for the appointment of the Quantity Surveying Services for various projects (Group 2).



Decided:  that the Committee agree to homologate the issue of tenders selected by the Head of Property Services for the appointment of the Quantity Surveying Services for various projects (Group 2).






