Social Work & Housing Committee


 Monday 7 February 2000 at 2.00 pm



Present:  Provost Roach, Councillors Jackson, McCabe, Mitchell, Morrison (D), Nimmo and Robertson (Y).



Chair:  Councillor Morrison (D) presided.



In attendance:  Chief Executive, Mr G Douglas (for Director of Legal & Support Services), Director of Resource Services and Director of Social Work and Housing Services.



Apologies:  Councillors O’Rourke and Rebecchi.



The following paragraph is submitted for confirmation or otherwise.



Housing Revenue Account Budget 2000/2001



There was submitted a report dated 28 January 2000 by the Director of Social Work and Housing Services on the proposed Housing Revenue Account Budget 2000/2001.  The report advised that the estimated deficit in the Housing Revenue Account for 2000/2001, taking into account all appropriate adjustments but excluding any increases in respect of additional resources and any savings options or application of balances, amounted to £1,595,150 which equated to an average rent increase of approximately £3.21 per house per week on a 48 week basis.






(1) that an average rent increase of £1.79 per house per week on a 48 week basis be agreed and implemented from 30 March 2000; and

(2) that it be agreed to adopt the following development and savings options:-






Option                                                                                    Estimated Expenditure/Saving






a.  Appointment of Tenant Participation Officer                              £25,000 expenditure

b.  Reduction in Private Sector Painting Budget                              £100,000 saving

c.  Reduction in Major Repairs Budget                                          £50,000 saving

d.  Turnover Saving - Reduction in Establishment                           £85,000 saving

e.  Application of Repairs and Renewal Fund Balance                    £497,000 saving



