WEDNESDAY, 27 JANUARY 1999 - 2.00 pm


Present:- Provost Allan, Councillors Morrison (D), Clocherty, O'Rourke, Mulholland, Rebecchi, Mitchell and Welch, Councillor O'Rourke, Convener, in the Chair.


In attendance:- The Chief Executive, the Executive Director Social Work and Housing Services, Mr A Puckrin (for the Executive Director Resource Services) and the Director of Central Services.


Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Councillors Jackson, McGhee and Nimmo.


The following paragraph is submitted for confirmation or otherwise.


109        HOUSING REVENUE ACCOUNT BUDGET 1999/2000                                                                     109


SUBMITTED: Report by the Executive Director Social Work and Housing Services on the proposed Housing Revenue Account Budget for 1999/2000.  The report advised that while in previous years, additional Housing Benefit costs arising from increases in rent had to be met by increases in Council Tax rather than savings, it was now the case for the first time that Housing Benefit expenditure had to be included within guideline expenditure totals.  The report further advised that the estimated deficit on the Housing Revenue Account for 1999/2000, taking into account all appropriate adjustments but excluding any increases in respect of additional resources or service developments and any application of balances amounted to £1,226,840, which equated to an average rent increase of approximately £2.32 per house per week on a 48 week basis.


(a) That an average rent increase of £1.80 per house per week on a 48 week basis, with an impact of an approximate cost of £37,000 on the General Fund Budget for 1999/2000, be agreed and implemented from 1 April 1999; and

(b) That it be agreed to adopt the following development and savings options:-


Option                                                                                               Estimated Expenditure/



(i) Provision of alternative cleansing arrangements                                £60,000 expenditure


(ii) Employment of temporary staff for capital programme                    £50,000 expenditure


(iii) Information Technology expenditure towards completion

of local area network                                                                           £50,000 expenditure


(iv) Application of Repairs and Renewals Balance and 1998/99

estimated surplus                                                                                  £425,000 saving

