Policy and Strategy Committee


Tuesday 1 June 2004 at 3.00 pm



Present:  Councillors Blair, Forbes, Fyfe, Hill, McCabe, Mitchell, Nimmo, Roach, Robertson and Snoddy.



Chair:  Councillor Blair presided.



In attendance:  Chief Executive, Depute Chief Executive, Director of Community Services, Director of Corporate Services, Acting Director of Education Services, Director of Social Work Services, Head of Property Services and Managing Solicitor (Committees/Contracts).



Apologies:  Councillor McCormick (M).



Remits from Committees



It was noted that there were no remits from Committees.



British Olympic Appeal 2004



There was submitted a report dated 4 May 2004 by the Director of Corporate Services on a request for financial support from the British Olympic Appeal 2004.



Decided:  that no action be taken on the request.



General Services and Housing Revenue Accounts - Revenue Budget Update 2005/06 Onwards



There was submitted a report dated 25 May 2004 by the Director of Corporate Services on the steps required to address the continued significant challenge facing the Council with regard to the General Services and Housing Revenue Accounts 2005/06 onwards.



(Councillor Robertson entered the meeting during consideration of this item of business).






(1)      that the Committee note the Council's policy framework for developing 3 year budgeting as identified in paragraph 3.3 of the report;



(2)      that it be agreed that the Housing Revenue budgets be set for 2005/06 and 2006/07;



(3)      that it be agreed to hold the next meeting of the Policy Review Group in early course in order to progress within the approved policy framework; and



(4)      that it be agreed that the Council will plan to approve its General Services and Housing Revenue budget before its Christmas recess in line with good practice adopted by other Scottish Councils to allow the financial and operational impact of any savings to be managed in a controlled manner.



New Conditions of Grant for SIP



There was submitted a report by the Director of Community Services seeking approval of new conditions of grant for SIP, a copy of which was appended to the report.



(Councillor Hill entered the meeting during consideration of this item of business).



Decided:  that the new conditions of grant appended to the report be approved.



Community Planning



There was submitted a report dated May 2004 by the Chief Executive (1) advising of the present position regarding Community Planning and (2) asking the Committee to approve provision for Community Planning within the Base Budget 2005/06.






(1)      that the Committee note the revised structures as agreed by the Alliance Board; and



(2)      that the Committee agree that provision be made in the Base Budget 2005/06 in respect of Community Planning.



General Fund Revenue Budget 2004/05



There was submitted a report dated 14 May 2004 by the Director of Corporate Services (1) on the General Fund Revenue Budget 2004/05 as at 30 April 2004 and (2) advising that there is no projected budget over or underspend at present.






Capital Programme 2004/05 to 2006/07 - Progress



There was submitted a report dated 20 May 2004 by the Director of Corporate Services on the progress of the Capital Programme 2004/05 to 2006/07.






(1)      that the Committee note the progress on the specific projects detailed in the Appendix to the report; and



(2)      that the Committee otherwise note the report.



Non-HRA Capital Programme 2004/07



There was submitted a report dated 18 May 2004 by the Director of Corporate Services on the current position of the Non-HRA Capital Programme 2004/07.






Redeployment Exercise



There was submitted a report dated 20 May 2004 by the Director of Corporate Services updating the Committee on the position with the redeployment exercise resulting from the setting of the Council's budget on 12 February 2004.






It was agreed in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 as amended, that the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item on the grounds that the business involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 6 & 8 of Part I of Schedule 7(A) of the Act.



Vehicle and Plant Replacement Programme 2004/05



There was submitted a report by the Director of Community Services on tenders received for the vehicle and plant replacement programme 2004/05 and the Committee agreed that it be remitted to the Director of Legal & Support Services to accept the tenders received as set out in section 4 of the report, all as detailed in the Appendix.



