Planning & Traffic Management Sub-Committee


Wednesday 9 January 2002 at 3.00 pm



Present:  Councillors  Blair,  Calvert, Campbell,  McCormick, McGhee, Morrison (M) and O'Rourke (for Robertson (Y)).



Chair:  Councillor McGhee presided.



In attendance:  Depute Chief Executive, Miss M McKnight (for Director of Legal & Support Services), Head of Planning Services and Mr A Bruce (for Head of Transportation & Roads Service).



Apologies: Councillor Robertson (Y).



The following paragraphs are submitted for information only, having been dealt with under the powers delegated to the Sub-Committee.






There were submitted reports by the Head of Planning Services on the following applications which were submitted, together with letters of objection and support where submitted, and dealt with as follows:-



Change of Use from Shop to Hot Food Carry Out:

18 East Crawford Street, Greenock (IC/01/338)



The report recommended that planning permission be refused as the proposed use would have a detrimental impact on the established amenity of nearby residents by virtue of the potential generation of noise, disturbance and nuisance.



After discussion, Councillor O'Rourke moved that planning permission be granted.   As an amendment, Councillor McGhee moved that planning permission be refused for the reason detailed in the report.   On a vote 1 Member voted for the amendment and 6 for the motion which was declared carried.



Decided:  that planning permission be granted.



Change of Use from Vacant Retail Unit (Class 1) to Class 2 Use

to Create Extended Betting Office and Alterations:

16/18 Kilblain Street, Greenock (IC/01/337)



Decided:  that planning permission be granted.










Erection of 87 Flats:

Campbell Street, Greenock (IC/01/77R)

Redevelopment of Driving Test Centre and Harbour (in outline)

Incorporating Restaurant/Cafe, Retail Units, Marina, Public Toilets and

Cruise Liner Reception Area:

Campbell Street, Greenock (IC/01/143)








(a)  that planning permission for 87 flats be granted subject to the following conditions:-



(1)   that the development to which this permission relates must be begun within five years from the date of this permission, to comply with Section 58 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997;



(2)   that no development shall commence until a replacement public toilet has been provided in Campbell Street, the location and the design of which shall require to be the subject of a separate planning application, to ensure the continued provision of toilet facilities in Campbell Street;



(3)   that development shall not begin until samples of materials to be used on external surfaces of the buildings and in construction of hardstandings/walls/fences have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Head of Planning Services, development shall thereafter be carried out using the approved materials or such alternatives as may be agreed in writing with the planning authority, to ensure the provision of finishing materials compatible with those in the surrounding area;



(4)   that all bedrooms facing the container terminal shall be equipped with a controlled ventilation system providing a minimum of 5 air changes per hour and acoustic double glazing to the following specification: 10mm float glass (outside) 12mm air gap and 6mm float glass (inside), to prevent the approved flats suffering from a statutory noise nuisance from noise generated by the adjoining container terminal;



(5)   that none of the flats shall be occupied until the parking layout detailed on docquetted drawing AL(O)1M has been completed, in the interests of road safety on Campbell Street;



(6)   that no development shall commence until fully detailed landscaping proposals have been submitted to and approved by the Head of Planning Services in writing;



(7)   that the approved scheme of landscaping shall be implemented in the first planting season following completion of the 87 flats and any specimens that in the subsequent 5 years die become diseased or are damaged shall be replaced in the next planting season with a similar specimen unless the Head of Planning Services gives his prior written consent to any variation that may be sought, conditions (6) & (7) being imposed  to ensure the provision and maintenance of a quality landscaping scheme for the development; and



(b)   that outline planning permission for the proposed redevelopment incorporating restaurant/cafe, retail units, marina, public toilets and cruise liner reception area be granted subject to the following conditions:-



(1)   that this permission is granted under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Scotland) Order 1992 on an outline application and the further approval of the Council or of the Scottish Ministers on appeal shall be required with respect to the undermentioned matters hereby reserved before any development is commenced:-



(i)    the siting, size, height, design and external appearance of the proposed development;



(ii)   details of the access arrangements;



(iii)   details of landscaping of the site;



(2)   that in the case of the reserved matters specified above, application for approval must be made before: 



(i)    the expiration of 3 years from the date of grant of outline permission; or



(ii)   the expiration of 6 months from the date on which an earlier application for such approval was refused; or



(iii)   the expiration of 6 months from the date on which an appeal against such refusal was dismissed whichever is the latest:

provided only one such application may be made in the case after the expiration of the three year period mentioned in sub-paragraph (i) above; and 



(3)   that the development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of 5 years from the date of this permission or within 2 years from the final approval of reserved matters, whichever is the later, conditions (1) - (3) being imposed to comply with Section 59 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997.



Replacement of Existing Windows with Double Glazed Windows:

St Luke's Church of Scotland, Nelson Street, Greenock (LB/01/12)



The report recommended that it be remitted to the Head of Planning Services to advise the Church of Scotland's Decision Making Body that the Council is minded to refuse the application for a number of reasons.

After discussion, Councillor McGhee moved that it be remitted to the Head of Planning Services to advise the Church of Scotland's Decision Making Body that the Council is minded to refuse the application for the reasons detailed in the report.   As an amendment, Councillor Blair moved that it be remitted to the Head of Planning Services to advise Historic Scotland that the Council is minded to grant the application and to obtain the views of Historic Scotland and that, following receipt of Historic Scotland's response, the Head of Planning Services write to the applicant advising of the views of Historic Scotland and the Planning Authority and (if appropriate) the applicant refer the matter to the Church of Scotland's Decision Making Body.   On a vote, 1 Member voted for the motion and 6 for the amendment which was declared carried.



Decided: that it be remitted to the Head of Planning Services to advise Historic Scotland that the Council is minded to grant the application and to obtain the views of Historic Scotland and that, following receipt of Historic Scotland's response, the Head of Planning Services write to the applicant advising of the views of Historic Scotland and the Planning Authority and (if appropriate) the applicant refer the matter to the Church of Scotland's Decision Making Body. 



Construction of Telecommunications Base Station and

Erection of Mast:

Chrisswell, Inverkip Road, Spango Valley, Greenock (IC/01/298)



Councillor Rebecchi was present and with consent spoke on the matter.



Decided:  that planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:-



(1)   that the development to which this permission relates must be begun within 5 years of the date of this permission, to comply with Section 58 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997;



(2)   that in the event that the equipment becomes obsolete or redundant it must be removed and the site reinstated to the satisfaction of the Head of Planning Services within one month, to minimise the level of visual intrusion and ensure the reinstatement of the site to a satisfactory standard;



(3)   that development shall not be commenced until such time as it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Head of Planning Services that the power line required to serve the proposed base station, mast structure and ancillary developments shall be constructed underground with no electricity poles or other structures relating to the proposed new power line linking to the site being visible above ground within the surrounding fields;



(4)   that the detailed specification of all the elements including supporting structure, associated equipment housing cabinets, antennas and cabling shall be approved by the Head of Planning Services prior to their construction and shall not be altered thereafter unless agreed in writing;



(5)   that no symbols, sign, logos, or other letters shall be displayed on any part of the structure, antennas or equipment housing without the prior written approval of the Head of Planning Services, except small signage necessary for operational reasons; 



(6)   that the mast shall be structurally capable of being shared by additional radio telecommunication equipment; and



(7)   that the site shall not be illuminated by lighting without the prior written approval of the Head of Planning Services, conditions (3) - (7) being imposed to minimise the level of intrusion and protect the quality and character of the immediate area as far as practicable.



Erection of Conservatory and First Floor Balcony:

29 Castle Wemyss Drive, Wemyss Bay (IC/01/320)



The report recommended that planning permission be refused as the proposed balcony would overlook the gardens of the adjoining properties at 27 and 31 Castle Wemyss Drive to the detriment of the privacy and quality of residential amenity that is currently enjoyed. 



Decided:  that consideration of the application be continued to allow the Head of Planning Services to have further discussion with the applicants relative to the proposed balcony.






There was submitted a report dated 17 December 2001 by the Head of Planning Services advising that following the decision of the Sub-Committee at the meeting held on 6 June 2001 to refuse planning permission for the formation of a family area and the extension of the existing patio at 37 Roxburgh Street,  Greenock (IC/01/111), an appeal against the refusal of planning permission had been made to the Scottish Ministers.

Councillor Blair declared an interest in this matter and took no part in its consideration.






